Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1212: Intoxicating taste

During this period of time, Yuan Feifei was unable to attract investment, so he wanted to propose to An Qi and set things down at once.

Who knows that An Qi never thought of marrying him.

An Qi still smiled sweetly, but her tone didn’t loosen. She looked at Yuan Feifan and said, “Fantastic, don’t be like this. I’m not even twenty years old. My grandfather also said it. Let’s get along again. Look. At least we won’t be able to talk about the engagement until the time comes, right? Get up first."

Yuan Feifan said, "If you don't agree, I won't get up."

An Qi squatted her mouth. This man was really cheeky. She smiled: "We have always been ordinary friends. If you are like this, are you not afraid of others laughing? By the way, my secretary An Che is also there. I will let him come in."

As soon as An Qi's voice fell, An Che walked in.

He was tall and straight, and a well-fitting suit made him look extraordinarily handsome and handsome, Yuan Feihua paled in front of him.

Seeing An Che walk in, Yuan Feifan was very embarrassed, and he had to stand up.

An Qi smiled and said, "Extraordinary, come, let's eat first."

Yuan Feifei didn't expect An Qi to lightly face his marriage proposal like this, and it was not easy to have an episode, so he had to sit down and eat.

An Qi only took a few mouthfuls, and then said with a smile: "By the way, it's extraordinary. I also made an appointment with an uncle of the world to discuss business. The uncle of the world is very good. If there is a chance, I will let him invest in you.

"Then I will go with you." Yuan Feifan became happy again when she heard An Qi had a chance to give herself.

"No, my uncle just came back from abroad. He Xijing doesn't like crowds, wait until next time." After An Qi finished speaking, she picked up her bag and left, not forgetting to turn her head and smile at Yuan Feifan, "Next time. Goodbye."

Yuan Feifan was fascinated by her smile, and suddenly forgot the distress of failing to make a marriage proposal. He triumphantly said: "It's just a silly and sweet daughter. I still don't believe I can't take her."

An Qi and An Che came out, got in the car and returned to An Che's residence. It was just an excuse to see some uncle in the world.

An Che was always a little unhappy. An Qi knew what he was doing. Seeing that he was going upstairs to enter the room, she hugged his waist from behind and whispered, "An Che, are you upset?"

"No." An Che shook his head, but was not happy that she often came into contact with Yuan Feifan, fearing that she would encounter any danger.

But I also know that she will definitely do her thing, and she will not stop with revenge.

"An Che, I promise you, as long as I take back all my grandfather's money and bring Yuan Feifei's business down, I will stop. Otherwise, every time I think of them doing harm to me, I can't be peaceful. "Angie's voice was a little low.

She never thought of getting involved in these things.

But when in Jingzhou City, Yuan Feifan and Secretary Li even wanted to put her to death, which made her never let go of the dog and the man.

An Che turned around, hugged her, and kissed her lips.

An Qi responded eagerly to him. The strong male masculinity on him, with the smell that made her intoxicated, made her unable to resist.

She never thought that she would do anything to betray him.

She whispered and vaguely said: "An Che, don't worry..."

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