Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1213: are we different

"Marry me." An Che said suddenly, his voice calm and strong, with a firmness that couldn't hold his beak.

Watching Yuan Feifan's proposal to An Qi tonight, An Che's heart seemed to be stabbed by a needle.

Holding An Qi now, I never want to let go.

An Qi was taken aback. She had never thought that An Che would propose to her so resolutely.

But she immediately smiled, not feeling abrupt. From the time she met him under the cliff, she did not reject him or dislike his touch. The longer time passed, the more she relied on him instead. There is a slight change.

She showed a sweet smile and looked at An Che seriously: "An Che, are you really sure?"

"Marry me." An Che repeated it again. He has always had a kind of animal dominance, that kind of fierce beast-like strength, which makes people impossible to refuse.

Moreover, the familiarity he had always given her made her unable to ignore and refuse.

An Qi whispered: "I am willing."

A star-like light appeared in An Che's eyes, and he lowered his head to kiss An Qi.

An Qi was caught in his masculine embrace, immersed in it, unknowingly, followed him to the room upstairs.

When she fell into the soft brocade, she raised her eyes to look at An Che, and she could see the smile in An Che's eyes right now, reaching the bottom of her eyes, and she could also see his joy, his satisfaction, everything about him.

An Qi hooked his neck and whispered: "An Che, don't you want to explore...what is the difference between us?"

He deceived him, with surprise in his eyes, and her tall body enveloped her small body.

His scorching nose sprayed on her face, making An Qi ticklish and want to laugh, but also want to retreat and avoid.

He looked down and looked at every place where she was completely different from him...

Her skin is white and delicate, while his wheat-colored skin is full of strength, with distinct lines.

There are other places, her softness and fullness, her sweetness and moistness, each is different from him, but it urges him to continue to explore and seek different truths.

An Qi could laugh at first, and she still wanted to avoid it. Later, her face was flushed like a tomato. There was no way to avoid it. Her breathing was rapid. Her tightly closed eyes kept blinking. I dare not open my eyes to see him again.

An Che's breathing became even more rapid.

He didn't know how to continue.

Although he is very smart and has learned a lot of biological knowledge, there is no further details in the book after all.

He gasped heavily, his deep eyes wanted to absorb An Qi, and he carefully examined every part of her, but he didn't know what to do to prevent her from hurting.

He hugged An Qi, tightly, but did not continue.

An Qi felt his hard body reaction, opened her eyes like water, and looked at him shyly. The two of them looked at each other and looked affectionate.

He approached her ears, his voice hoarse and forbearing: "The last step is not written in the biology book..."

An Qi blushed immediately, and she had never experienced such a thing.

However, she still knew better than him, and at this moment, she did not regret giving herself to him.

She stretched out her soft palm and grabbed him. An Che's whole body was tense immediately. An Qi leaned close to his ear and said in a low voice, because she was too shy and incomplete...

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