Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1217: Really spoiled

"It's okay, isn't it just money? I will take out my company's money first, and then make a large sum of money, and then invest." Yuan Feifei will certainly not give up such a great opportunity.

An Qi smiled and said, "Then the money my grandpa invested in you, do you want to return it first? My grandpa still wants to invest in this QC."

"This..." Yuan Feifan had eaten the meat in his mouth, how could he vomit it out?

But if you don’t spit it out, he won’t have the opportunity to invest in QC. He had to reluctantly say: "The money Grandpa An invested in me will be sent to me tomorrow. But An Qi, you really want to help me match QC. This time is an opportunity. Otherwise, I'm really going to be over, and we will not have a good life in the future."

"As long as you return the money and we invested in QC, you will definitely have a share." An Qi said with a smile.

Yuan Feifei was eager to invest. After returning, he collected the money that Old Man An invested in him and sent it back.

Then he didn't do any business, so he pooled all his money together, and prepared QC to reply as soon as he was ready to invest. In this way, he missed many small investment opportunities.

But there was no good news from An Qi's side. Every time he came to ask, An Qi greeted her with a smile, but there was always no definite number of investment matters.

Yuan Feifan was really anxious as he waited.

But during this period, Secretary Li kept stealing money from his accounts to spend.

After Secretary Li and Chen Liqi were together, they went to and out of five-star hotels every day, buying various luxury goods every day, and the cost was huge.

Where does Chen Liqi have enough money? It's not because of his three-inch tongue that asked Secretary Li to pay.

Although Secretary Li is a little unhappy that she has to pay money every time, she still hopes that if Chen Liqi marries her in the future, she can be the grandmother of a wealthy family with inexhaustible money, so she naturally has to be generous. One point, I don't want to be looked down upon by Chen Liqi, and I don't want Chen Liqi to think that she is with him for money.

Secretary Li didn’t have enough money, so he kept stealing from Yuan Feifei’s account. Yuan Feifei was not very concerned about the accounts. He was hoping to make a lot of money from Angel’s side, so he lost one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Did not notice.

Secretary Li and Chen Li Qi are very happy all over the world, and An Qi is missing a person who finds faults. Every day is very comfortable.

And in a short period of time, An Che has done a very big business. He is energetic and has unlimited enthusiasm. He has all the accounts and statements at a glance and ten lines. He is not forgotten. He is born a good hand in business. The business is well organized.

Both Mr. An and Mr. Yun like him very much and often help out.

Although he still lives in the house opposite to An’s house, Mr. An also keeps one eye open for An Qi’s frequent visits. It is not that Mr. An is open-minded, but he can see that An Che treats An Qi. Really pampered, Mr. An also wants An Qi to be truly happy.

After An Qi got up, she ran to the opposite side again early in the morning. Elder An was drinking morning tea. Looking at An Qi's back, he couldn't help but smile and said, "It's really a female congress."

Sister-in-law Zhang poured tea and said with a smile: "If the lady can find a boyfriend like Master Che, she naturally runs over there every day. And Master Che is really kind to the lady, so don't worry, Master."

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