Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1218: Not as comfortable as other things

An Qi walked in, An Che was still working at the desk.

An Qi massaged him gently, and whispered: "Isn't she working all night without rest?"

"I just got up." An Che raised his eyes, his eyes full of smiles.

An Qi helped him rub his shoulders and asked softly: "Is it comfortable?"

"Uncomfortable." An Che looked down at the report.

"Isn't it? This is the massage technique I asked Zhang's wife to learn specifically. It is unreasonable and uncomfortable." An Qi saw that he worked hard every day, so she learned massage to help him relax.

An Che grabbed her into his arms and said in a low voice, "It's not as comfortable as other things."

"Humph." An Qi pretended not to understand, closing her eyes and covering her ears, as if I didn't listen.

An Che lowered his head to kiss her and said in a low voice, "Not as comfortable as when you bit me."

An Qi blushed. When she first kissed him, she always said she wanted to bite him. An Che always wanted to stop, waiting to be bitten by her.

How simple he was at that time, in a short time, this man became dirty.

An Che continued to move his hands up and down, his voice lowered: "The upper mouth and the lower mouth are very comfortable to bite."

An Qi beat him hard, really wishing to sew up his mouth so that he would not say such shameful words.

An Che had already pressed her in his arms, preventing her from moving.

An Qi's waist was almost broken by him, and when it was over, her feet were too soft to stand up.

Seeing her blushing, An Che couldn't help but chuckle: "An Qi, I want to go to Jingzhou City to discuss some business recently. Although I don't need to go out in person, I still want to see it."

An Qi knows that he already has a lot of right-hand men in his company now, and there are many things that don't require him to be there in person. Just say that he is a QC person and someone will buy it. However, he is definitely willing to look around.

An Qi whispered: "How long will I go? I will miss you."

"You go with me." An Che said.

"Really?" An Qi became excited all of a sudden, "Okay, I like to go out with you."

An Che rubbed her hair: "Because you want to make me comfortable every day?"

"No!" An Qi blushed and ignored him, sitting to look through his financial statements.

She was a little curious: "Why is the company called QC?"

An Che smiled without saying a word, and looked through her with her. An Qi turned over and found out that QC company was named QC under the names of her and An Che. That was the first of their names. Letters.

And it was Angel's first and his behind.

An Qi was very moved. It was not how much fame and wealth he gave to herself, but how much he cared about her. He really couldn't get any money in exchange for it.

In this world, money and fame have always been easy to obtain, but it is always difficult to fully obtain a person's sincerity.

And An Che really gave her everything, everything she dreamed of, and all her love.

"An Che." She turned around and kissed him actively.

An Che lowered his head and kissed her lips, being able to see her smile, and being able to protect her from being bullied in this world is his greatest value.

Knowing that An Qi was going to Jingzhou City, Yuan Feifei immediately asked to go with him.

An Qi did not object, and Yuan Feifei immediately bought the plane ticket with An Qi.

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