Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1219: Hard to explain

Yuan Feifan got on the plane and saw An Che. He was a little unhappy: "An Qi, are you bringing your secretary again?"

"Yes. What about your Secretary Li?" An Qi asked.

"Secretary Li is not feeling well, so I won't come with him." Yuan Feifei said, "Secretary An, you can sit in another row. I will sit with An Qi."

"Extraordinary, let me forget it, I have caught a cold these few days, and the airsickness is very bad. It will be okay if you throw up later." An Qi said with a smile.

How could Yuan Feifan give up such an opportunity: "It is because you are airsick that I have to take good care of you."

An Qi gave An Che a look and motioned him to leave temporarily.

Seeing the cunning in her eyes, An Che knew that she had a trick to play Yuan Feifein again, so he stood up and let Yuan Feifan sit down.

As soon as Yuan Feifei sat down, An Qi spoke to him, but as soon as he spoke, she vomited all over him.

In fact, An Qi was not really uncomfortable, she just chewed a few pieces of chocolate and drank a big sip of fruit juice, deliberately vomiting extraordinary.

Yuan Feifan's face suddenly changed. He was so nauseous and difficult to attack, so he had to go to the bathroom.

But the well-groomed hair and suits are in a mess.

After Yuan Feifan took care of it, he saw An Che sitting back next to An Qi. This time he didn't insist anymore. He sat back to his position honestly, not daring to sit next to An Qi again.

But An Qi didn't get any more airsick, and sat firmly beside An Che, talking and laughing with him, and arrived at Jingzhou City together.

Yuan Feifei was suffocated in his heart, and his stomach was full of fire.

After staying at the hotel, Yuan Feifei pleaded: "An Qi, you really want to help me invest this time. You know, if I don’t invest such a large sum of money in time to make money, it will be very troublesome. Or let others invest money in it. Me too. You must help."

"I will definitely help you." An Qi said with a smile.

She checked and found that Yuan Feifei was not for business at all. He wanted to rely on himself to make money in his own name.

There is still an asset under his name. This time, An Qi intends to wash away all the assets under his name, to see how he dares to wave!

That night, An Qi and An Che began to meet various businessmen, and naturally they also brought Yuan Feifan with them.

In every business, An Che approached those people. He had a professional attitude, outstanding ability, and excellent temperament. With An Qi sitting on the sidelines, a deal was quickly negotiated.

And Yuan Feifan was on the side, almost someone who could understand the fur, and after a round of business talks, he didn't get anything.

He lowered his voice and asked An Qi: "An Qi, didn't you let me also talk about business? You let me talk."

"Okay, Secretary An, you let Manager Yuan go to talk." An Qi said to An Che.

An Che didn't talk about it, Yuan Feifan went to talk about business, except for being able to use An Qi's relationship as a living sign, but he didn't know anything, so he didn't talk about anything.

He looked at An Qi for help, and An Qi smiled and said: "Secretary An is my person and grandfather's person. He must be talking about Anjia’s business. Extraordinarily, you can’t ask our Anjia people to do things for you. It’s not easy to explain to my grandpa."

Yuan Feifan was downcast, but An Qi's words really made sense. It was impossible for him to count on An Qi and An Che for help in everything, not to mention that he didn't look down on An Che.

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