Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1223: Go in alone

And Yuan Feifei was still waiting outside at the entrance, irritated to curse.

When he waited at the door, a stylishly dressed woman with extraordinary temperament stood at the door carrying a brand-name bag worth hundreds of thousands, took out an exquisite lady's cigarette and held it on her finger. People passing by, They all nodded respectfully to her.

Then she squinted at Yuan Feifan.

Yuan Feifan saw her noble status, stepped forward to light her cigarette complimentarily, and wanted to get involved.

She took a sip, was very satisfied with his gentlemanly demeanor, and said, "See you are not from Jingzhou City, right?"

"People from Hengzhou City actually often do business in Jingzhou City. They came a bit late this time, so they didn't make the first half. Miss, your last name?" Yuan Feifan talked with her overjoyed.

Her makeup is exquisite, her expression is calm, and she said: "You don't need to know what my name is, it's too boring inside. It's all those people who come and go, so boring."

It’s so popular. Yuan Feihua wanted to go in but couldn’t get in. This woman was tired of the rich and powerful inside and came out to breathe. Yuan Feifei was even more pleased: “Actually, I also think it’s better to go in later. There’s a mess inside, nothing good. . But tonight I will auction items for charity. As a caring person, I should go in and contribute."

She smiled, as if moved by Yuan Feifei's charitable heart, she had a good impression of him, and smiled: "There is nothing to buy in there, but donating money is not bad."

Yuan Feifei knows that many celebrity daughters put out their jewelry for auction tonight, and the money from the auction is to be donated to charity.

In general, if you can get some accessories of wealthy daughters through auction, and then transfer these accessories to them, there will be a good contact effect.

So he really wants to know what is the most cost-effective way to shoot through this seemingly well-identified woman, the best way to get the favor of the daughter or contact the wealthy.

He asked tentatively: "I don't know which daughter's jewelry to auction tonight, the effect is the best."

"Did you know? The chairman of the British Jewelry Association came with her daughter. Just take a photo of her jewelry. Their family has a very good reputation in Jingzhou City and has a good relationship with the Presidential Palace. You took her. A lot of people will look at you differently at that time." She said with a smile.

Yuan Feifei suddenly became concerned.

But what he didn't know was that this woman was sent by An Qi, who was specifically here to reveal wrong information to Yuan Feifei.

Indeed, the chairman of the British Jewelry Association will bring his daughter to participate in the auction tonight, but they are not the protagonists tonight, and they are just visiting the Presidential Palace, simply come to participate in the event to support, and once the event is over , Will leave immediately, they are very simple to do charity.

Anyone who took pictures of them has nothing to do with them.

An Qi had already inquired very clearly, knowing that Yuan Feifei wanted to take advantage of the auction to meet the big people in Jingzhou City tonight. Not only did she make him unable to make friends, but she also took out all the money in his wallet. .

Finally waiting for the second half, Yuan Feifan wanted to enter the court with the woman, but the woman was gone, so he had to go in alone.

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