Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1224: Able to stand out

He didn't know, that woman was originally arranged by An Qi, how could she be with him?

After the woman finished this matter, she left long ago, leaving nothing behind at all.

Yuan Feifei entered the charity dinner scene, and originally wanted to talk to those powerful and powerful in Beijing.

But it's a pity that he came in too late, and everyone was already a little disappointed, and there was no idea to greet him again.

And the auction is coming to an end.

The auction now happens to be a personal collection of the daughter of the chairman of the British Jewellery Association.

Yuan Feifei thought that the auction would make him famous, so he was determined to take the picture.

"The reserve price is one million, and each time the placard is raised, the price increases by 100,000." The auctioneer said loudly.

Yuan Feifei immediately raised the placard to increase the price.

Since the dinner has come to an end, everyone's enthusiasm for increasing the price is relatively average, but An Qi specially arranged a few people to increase the price on the side in order to raise Yuan Feifan's price.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Feifei continued to increase the price, and soon increased the price to 8 million.

An Qi motioned to her people to stop.

In the end, Yuan Feifan finally won the item at a price of 8 million.

However, he was very happy, because once he won, he would have the opportunity to establish a relationship with the chairman of the British Jewelry Association, as well as the presidential palace.

But what he didn't expect was that he took the things and went to the chairman of the British Jewelry Association. Someone told him: "Sorry, Mr. Yuan, the chairman and his daughter have already booked air tickets long ago. They are going back to the UK tonight. So they have set off now. Thank you Mr. Yuan for his contribution and hard work for charity, thank you."

"What? Why do you want to leave? I photographed their things, and I must see them." Yuan Feifan was disappointed. If he couldn't get up to their relationship, why would he spend a lot of money to photograph these things?

He was very unwilling and said: "I want to see the chairman! You let me see him!"

Everyone was helpless and persuaded Yuan Feifei.

But he clamored to see the chairman, helpless, and in order not to disrupt the order of the scene, someone immediately called a security guard and invited Yuan Feifan out.

Just when he was invited out, Mingyu and Yun Lan appeared.

Yuan Feifan wanted to take the opportunity to see Mingyu and Yun Lan, but it is a pity that if he didn’t make a fuss just now, he would still have a chance to see Mingyu. It was precisely because he was making a lot of noise, not only did he not see the chairman. , Even the opportunity to meet Mingyu and Yun Lan was lost.

An Qi smiled as he watched him being blasted out, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's useless for him to stay. Uncle Ming may not see him. This time he only lost a small amount of money. This money was donated to charity. The structure is not too bad for him."

An Che took An Qi's hand and looked at her dozingly.

An Qi smiled and said, "Let's go and see Uncle Ming."

An Qi pulled An Che and walked in the direction of Mingyu and Yun Lan.

In fact, Mingyu and Yun Lan had seen An Che and An Qi a long time ago. They had always known An Qi and loved her very much, but they were the first to see An Che.

But even though it was the first sight, An Che's temperament was still very attractive to them, not only because of his strong aura, he was also able to stand out from the crowd among so many dignitaries in Jingzhou City, making people unable to look away.

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