Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1338: People safe is good

Mrs. Ling asked: "Haotian, those who arranged to go, must come back safely and bring all the tools back, without leaving any clues. Let the insurance company determine that this is a problem caused by their employees' mistakes. , So they won’t get compensation."

"I've arranged everything, mommy, don't worry." Ling Haotian poured a glass of red wine for Madam Ling and himself to celebrate in advance.

But what they didn't know was that after two hours, another ship full of cargo also entered the port, and none of the Anshi Group's projects were affected.

Because these ships were very low-key, they did not attract the attention of the Ling family.

An Qi and An Che were eating in the restaurant. Someone hurriedly reported: "Miss An, Secretary An, it’s not good. We don’t know what happened to our cargo. All the ships are sunken, and the cargo has fallen into the sea. I am trying to salvage, but the sea environment is very bad, it is really difficult to salvage..."

An Che put down his knife and fork, his expression condensed, "Are there any casualties among employees?"

"Fortunately not." The visitor hurriedly said respectfully, "There are only a few people who have suffered minor scratches, and they are all anxious about the goods now..."

"It's fine if people are fine." An Che said solemnly, "Bring out some money on the account and give them a shock. It is not easy to run such a long sea route and escape for your life."

The man quickly said respectfully, "Thank you Secretary An."

He left with gratitude in his heart. He didn't expect that Secretary An didn't blame anyone. On the contrary, he still cared so much about the brothers who were doing things below. The person who reported to him made up his mind. As long as An Che didn't drive them away, they would I have followed An Che all my life.

An Qi couldn't help smiling and said, "You will buy people's hearts. I have a hunch that in the future, our sea cargo transportation will go smoothly."

While talking, Ling Ruoxue came over with a wine glass.

She knew what happened to the Ling family and the An family today, walked over and said with a smile: "Secretary An, what happened today is really regrettable. I did not expect that you would lose such a large amount of goods. I heard that the value of these goods is high. It will take up half of the An's Group's net worth. I wonder if the An's Group can survive this time?"

An Qi didn't speak, she seemed to be worried about this matter.

An Che also looked solemn.

Ling Ruoxue smiled and asked people to bring a bottle of the best red wine, opened it, poured three glasses out, gave An Qi and An Che a glass each, and said, "The sky is infinite, in fact, you don't need to worry. "

"Do you have any way to help us?" An Qi asked deliberately.

"How? There are so many ways in our Ling family, but, Miss An, I'm sorry, no matter how many methods and methods our Ling family has, it won't be for you." Ling Ruoxue arrogantly Said, "When something like this happens, just wait for partners and banks to come and ask for money, and, I think, QC Group will not let go of cooperative companies like yours that are not doing well. Miss An, Jing The state city is not easy to mix, it seems that even the gods don’t give you face."

An Qi picked up the wine glass and sipped gently, blocking her face. She was actually laughing, but she deliberately gave Ling Ruoxue a sad expression.

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