Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1339: The last time I drank such a good wine

Ling Ruoxue became more and more proud, and said, "I think, An Qi, this is the last time you have had such a good drink."

An Qi smiled and her shoulders trembled when she heard such arrogant words.

Ling Ruoxue said to An Che, "Secretary An, you are different. You are much more talented than An Qi. You have been under An Qi for so long. Shouldn't you find a better place? "

"Ms. Ling wants to give me a chance?" An Che asked, seemingly interested.

"An Che, our Ling family has opportunities, and some of them are contacts. This time An Qi has had an accident, and there is nothing to stay in the An Group. The so-called people who know current affairs are talented, and birds choose good trees to live. The An family is already in decline. It’s time for you to think about attribution."

"Miss Ling, I will consider it." An Che said sincerely.

The more sincere he speaks now, the more disappointed Ling Ruoxue will be by then, why not do it?

Ling Ruoxue smiled sweeter, reached out to touch An Che's hand, and was taken away by An Che calmly. She smiled: "An Che, you are a good person. I'll wait for your call."

She left the business card and printed a lip print on it. The red lipstick lip print made people uncomfortable.

An Qiming knew that An Che was fake, she couldn't help but wrinkle the tip of her nose: "What kind of business card is this, it's disgusting."

An Che didn't even touch his business card, and motioned to the waiter to take the business card away as rubbish.

"An Che, it seems that there are a lot of people who are interested in you," An Qi joked.

"Unfortunately, I have no intention of them." An Che grabbed An Qi's hand and put it to his lips, "Miss An Qi, can I be lucky enough to work for you forever?"

"It's a great honor." An Qi smiled happily.

Just when the Ling family thought that this time, the An's Group would be completely destroyed, the spare goods for An Qi and An Che had arrived, and the ongoing projects were not affected in any way.

On the contrary, An Qi and An Che had already invested high insurance for the goods that were Shen Hai, and now they are filing insurance claims.

After the insurance company came to investigate, he shook his head and said, "Miss An, Secretary An, this time the cargo ship accident seems to be caused by an employee's operational error. If this is the case, it will not be in the scope of our claims. "

"Is it determined now?" An Che asked.

"Further investigation is underway." The claims adjuster said.

An Che winked, and immediately some of his subordinates brought a few things over and presented them to the claims adjuster. An Che said: "When the incident happened, we found these professional tools at the place where it happened. Professional tools damaged our cargo ship, which led to such a thing."

The claims adjuster said immediately: "Secretary An, if the matter is so complicated, we will ask the police to intervene. If we can determine that someone has deliberately damaged your cargo ship, we will pay the amount that is due at that time, but the perpetrator must also pay compensation. responsibility."

"Well, these are all the evidence we found ourselves, and it will be a burden for you." An Che said on the jaw.

The goods they lost this time are very serious and valuable.

But if there is insurance compensation, An Qi and An Che will not have any losses.

However, the insurance company will definitely conduct a rigorous investigation. When it is found that the Ling family did the matter, the insurance company will naturally sue the Ling family and let the Ling family bear the responsibility.

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