Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1343: What an idiot

Ling Haotian was also convinced that when the time comes, he can find a scapegoat among his subordinates.

The witness immediately said loudly: "Second Young Master, the money you gave us is still on our card. You personally arranged for the secretary to call us, and you can check the transfer records."

"Liar! Your Honor, this so-called witness is a liar. How can the cash we give them have transfer records?" Ling Haotian said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong.

Madam Ling also cursed secretly: "What a fool."

The onlookers in attendance couldn't help but said loudly: "Second Young Master, it turns out that the money you gave them is all cash? Didn't you just say that you don't know them?"

"Second Young Master, you have never seen them at all, what do you give them cash for?"

"I didn't...I didn't mean it..." Ling Haotian knew he broke his promise and was incoherent. "I mean, I mean... I gave them a salary before to help me do other things..."

"But haven't you seen them before?" Everyone immediately exposed his inconsistency and loopholes.

An Qi couldn't help looking at An Che seriously. She knew that these witnesses must have been told by An Che.

These witnesses have been criticized and educated since they were caught by An Che. They all deeply regretted that they had destroyed the construction of the new district. They all felt regret from the bottom of their hearts and wished to testify against Ling Haotian right away.

It's just that they didn't have any rules and regulations, and they couldn't bring Ling Haotian to justice.

After An Che taught them, they suddenly felt very hopeful, so they were willing to testify one by one, wanting to identify Ling Haotian, the culprit, and let him fall the law.

The witnesses all stood up one by one and gave more evidence.

Ling Haotian’s face was hot and he wanted to explain, but he was so powerless to explain his innocence. It could not prove his innocence, but only proved that he was really stupid. The more he said, the more mistakes he made. .

Ling Haotian was over, and the judge announced in court that Ling Haotian's crime was established and he was put in prison on the spot.

Madam Ling was furious, but she was unable to recover.

She could only find a way to find a judge, and the judge respected her identity, telling her that if she wanted to keep Ling Haotian, it was not without a chance, that is, to compensate the Ans Group for three times the loss of goods, and also to compensate the insurance company. In this way, the two companies will stop prosecuting and reach a settlement.

There was no way, Madam Ling had to agree, and took out a huge amount of compensation, so that they stopped the responsibility, and reluctantly took Ling Haotian back.

However, there is no way to remedy the reputation that Ling Haotian and the Ling family have lost.

Ling Haotian’s father is also the current head of the Ling family. His name is Ling Zongheng. He has a bit of momentum and dignity. When he heard that his wife and children had committed such a mistake, he scolded them severely, and then thought of his eldest son Ling. Jue Tian, ​​thinking that if the eldest son was there, he would never make such a low-level mistake, but the Sri Lankan has gone, and now it is useless to regret.

After Ling Zongzong finished cursing, he said to Mrs. Ling: "How did you do it? At the beginning of the incident, you should go to bail Hao genius as soon as possible. You have to wait until the matter reaches an irreversible point before you can give up. Things are so bad!"

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