Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1344: I can help you introduce one

"I have tried every means to release Haotian on bail, but the police have always refused him to be released on bail. I also thought that they had no evidence and could not do anything to Haotian. Who knew they had obtained all the evidence... After Haotian became completely ugly, they agreed to give up prosecuting Haotian..." Madam Ling said, now that I think of it, the whole thing is in An Che's hands, controlled by him, the Ling family member, There is no other way except to make a fool of yourself.

Now that the compensation has been paid, the money has been spent, and the ugliness has also appeared. An Che said generously that he would no longer hold the Ling family responsible, and let An Che take advantage of everything that was cheap, and even let the insurance company get it. A compensation.

Madam Ling is not an idiot, but An Che was completely led by the nose in this matter.

Want to think about it again, really unwilling.

Ling Zongheng could also see how strong this An Che was and how high a means.

He said: "This Anche, if there is no way to win over us, get rid of it."

Madam Ling nodded: "Yes, otherwise it will definitely become our confidant. But now he is a hot red man, and An Qi has a very good relationship with the presidential palace. If it is simple to get rid of him, for sure Will make people suspicious. Wouldn't he make us embarrassed? Huh, we also have to think of a way to make him lose his reputation."

Ling Zongheng said, "I'm going to run for the president soon, so take your time and don't get involved in this matter."

Madam Ling naturally knows this. What she and her son are doing, aren't they also thinking about the entire Ling family?

Since Ling Zong had no time to deal with their trivial matters because he was running for the president, Madam Ling could still only discuss this matter with Ling Haotian.

Ling Haotian's whole body was downcast, and when An Che put it like this, he didn't even have the mental power.

Ling Ruoxue was also very angry and frustrated. Originally, she thought that this time she would hit the An's Group, so she could smoothly receive An Che into her own hands to do business.

Unexpectedly, not only did not defeat the Anshi Group, but also caused such a big ugly appearance in the entire Ling family.

It made her go to the restaurant to eat in a concealed manner, so that no one would know her Miss Ling family.

But when she was afraid of what would come, she was sitting down with her friend and was about to eat, An Qi and An Che went straight to her.

When Ling Ruoxue looked at An Che, she was attracted by his unparalleled beauty and couldn't move her eyes.

An Qi smiled and said, "Miss Ling, are you here to eat? But unfortunately, I am not so rich. Please drink the last bottle of expensive red wine."

Ling Ruoxue remembered that it was the last time An Qi had drunk such a good red wine, and now she felt the pain of being slapped in the face.

"By the way, Miss Ling still lacks a secretary? I can introduce one for you." An Qi raised her eyebrows. Before Ling Ruoxue wanted to hook An Che, she only regarded it as a joke, but Ling Ruoxue provoked her. If you don't provoke back, how can you be worthy of so many days of tolerance?

"No need..." Ling Ruoxue waved her hand, because she didn't have a face, so she didn't talk much.

The people around looked over here and said, "Look, that's Ling Ruoxue from the Ling family. They are also from the Ling family. In order to sell their houses at a good price, they all stop the Anshi Group from building a new area. The project is really black-hearted."

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