Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1350: Flash of calculation

Obviously, Cao Yong deducted a lot of money in it to fill his pockets.

An Qi raised her eyebrows with anger, and said in a low voice, "This Cao Yong is really too much. He deducts so much money from workers every day. If you add up to a month, how much do you have to deduct so many workers? Such a hard and hot day He actually did this kind of deduction. No wonder these workers are not as motivated as we thought. He took your money to fill his wallet."

An Che also heard complaints from the workers. Originally, he could get 200 for work on other projects, but he could only get 180 here. Everyone is a breadwinner, so naturally he was a little unhappy.

Not only that, Cao Yong will not settle all wages to the workers on time every month, but only give them a small portion of the money. The good name is to help them keep it, and then pay them all at once at the end of the year. .

These workers dared not say anything, thinking that this was meant by the upper-level bosses, so they had to settle down and work.

An Che twisted his eyebrows: "This Cao Yong doesn't seem to follow me in the usual way. I didn't know his name very well before."

An Qi thought for a while and said: "The project was in a hurry some time ago. When the work was rushed, a lot of new people were recruited. It is normal that you don't know the people below."

"I'll let someone check it right away, this matter is his problem alone, or someone bought his hands and feet."

An Qi was surprised: "You mean, suspect that he was instigated by the Ling family?"

"It doesn't necessarily need to be instigated by the Ling family, maybe it's just that the Ling family found such a person among the greedy people, and then use such a person as a handle to attack me." An Che said, raising his eyebrows and smiling, "Then. I want to try to see if their Ling family can really catch me."

An Qi said: "Then you mean, if you don't deal with this person named Cao Yong now, wait for a while."

"Well. Let's watch the changes first." An Che said.

An Qi knew that he had a plan, as long as he took action, the Ling family would certainly not benefit.

An Che quickly called Cao Yong over.

Cao Yong has worked for so long and has never seen An Che and An Qi. In his capacity, he is more than a moth, but he has no chance to meet the upper-level boss.

And normally An Qi and An Che wouldn't care about such small things, but this time, An Che intuitively felt that the matter was related to the Ling family, so he came forward personally.

Now seeing An Qi and An Che want to see him, he behaved sincerely, very respectfully, and looked very honest, it is difficult for people to associate with his greedy temperament.

An Che smiled slightly and said, "Cao Yong, the construction period is tight during this time, and you have worked hard. We have discussed it and plan to increase some income for everyone. For your workers, increase it to two hundred and sixty yuan a day. ."

"Okay, thank you Secretary An. I'm also thanking Secretary An for the other hard-working workers." Cao Yong said immediately, and a hint of calculation flashed in his honest eyes. An Che gave the workers the price, and he could take another extra. Pen.

Anyway, people like An Qi and An Che who are spoiled and spoiled will definitely not care about the suffering of the workers on the construction site. They will never know how much he profited from it. Moreover, An Qi and An Che can't find out what is in his accounts. problem.

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