Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1351: Firm sympathy for the weak

After Cao Yong left An Qi and An Che, he returned to the construction site without mentioning that An Che added money to the workers, as if there was no such thing at all.

An Qi and An Che paid attention to him, and his every move was also specially watched and reported to An Che.

An Che also found out this Cao Yong. He only paid a small portion of the wages to the workers, and all the rest was used for high-profit-loan, which was equivalent to using the workers' hard-earned money to seek benefits for him.

An Qi and An Che were really angry with this person, but they both knew at the same time that it was not time to move him.

The Ling family knew that there was such a worm here, and he would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble.

At that time, An Che will give them a great blow.

Sure enough, Madam Ling saw that the chess piece was almost laid out, so she started to do it.

The Ling family originally had their own real estate under development, so she arranged for people to recruit workers and attracted them with a salary of 220 yuan a day per person.

Of course, the workers were ready to move all of a sudden. They could only earn 180 yuan a day in the Anshi Group and 40 more at the Ling's house. As long as they are not fools, they are willing to go to the Ling's house.

But on An Che's side, he didn't let anyone go, saying that the schedule was tight and they needed them, and he was unwilling to let them go.

Of course, these workers did not agree, and they rioted and even alarmed the local media. People in newspapers and TV stations liked similar news. One was the multi-effect sensation of workers, and the other was that interviewing such news would get the whole society's feedback. The sympathy of the disadvantaged.

There were many reports on the same day, reporting the bad behavior of Anshi Group using workers at low prices and not allowing workers to change jobs normally.

Immediately, this news set off a huge wave, and various unfavorable remarks began to attack the Anshi Group.

"This is the nature of capitalists. If you can **** blood, you will never let it go. Workers should have organized trade unions to resist such capitalists! No, the state should have arrested such capitalists and put them in jail long ago. Do you dare to mess around?"

"The enterprises from the small rural areas have no insight and vision. They think they can make a fortune by saving a few dollars? What a joke!"

"QC Group should cancel its cooperation with An's Group. Neither An Qi nor An Che are good people, they are all the same!"

Things got worse, even Mingyu called and asked several times with concern.

An Qi and An Che didn't seem to know the information at all, and they didn't respond at all.

These angry people went to inquire again. They were from the Ling family. They dig these workers away with high wages. They all praised the Ling family on the Internet: "The old family is more humane, and the price is normal. I agree with those. The workers leave as soon as possible."

"Yes, right, right, before leaving, it's best to have An Qi and An Che have a fight. Where can people like them do the work of building the new district? I think they will only make money."

The Anshi Group is facing an unprecedented huge crisis.

Some people spontaneously stop them at the company's door, intending to find them to be fair, but unfortunately no one is blocked.

Many people on the Internet firmly sympathize with the weak. Compared with An Qi and An Che, the workers are obviously the weak, and most ordinary people are more able to find empathy in them, so they do their best to support them.

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