Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1352: Finally announced to show up

Now the whole situation is one-sided, helping the workers, supporting the Ling family, and overthrowing the Anshi Group.

There are also many TV stations asking An Qi and An Che to go to the TV station and apologize to all the workers.

Madam Ling smiled with satisfaction.

This time, she was in vain if the Ans Group could not be brought down.

What's more, while the An's Group was destroyed, it was able to successfully win a good reputation for the Ling family.

Cao Yong also hurriedly hid, and there were no figures at all, and An Qi and An Che had to take care of everything.

An Qi and An Che finally announced that they are going to show up. Many TV stations and live broadcast platforms have invited them to apologize to the vast number of workers and audiences on their platforms.

An Qi and An Che chose a little-known TV station to show up, and the video will be broadcast on a similarly-known online live broadcast platform.

Everyone is waiting for An Qi and An Che to apologize, waiting for the apology and bowing to the masses since they moved.

This is a victory for the working people, and it is also a victory for ordinary people against capitalists.

So many people have locked on these two platforms, waiting for An Qi and An Che to apologize.

The apology show finally aired as scheduled.

Many people have never seen An Qi and An Che, and don't even know what they look like.

When An Qi and An Che appeared that day, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

What about the brains of the capitalists in your imagination? What about the big belly of the boss? What about the arrogance and domineering of the rich second generation?

None of these.

Some are just An Qi's confident and sweet smile, her soft and slim body, and her eyes that can infect people all the time.

An Che is also a languid suit, tailored to fit the body, with fine texture, wrapping his body to look taller and taller.

He is not smiling like An Qi, with a slightly deserted eyebrows and eyes, but his handsome features and long and beautiful eyelashes make him comparable to the most popular first-line stars.

At this moment, many viewers were caught by the two of them.

Would such a person really be a capitalist who cannibalize people without seeing the bones? Is it really an unscrupulous profiteer with a dilapidated conscience?

Seeing their faces, everyone can't hate them.

In this world where Yan is king, no one can resist such An Qi and An Che.

When the show started, An Che gave a speech.

As soon as his voice came out, even the most fussy brain fan bowed down. This is no less than a popular star, this voice is no less than a popular first-line voice-you, this is not in the idol drama The voice of the hero?

Sex-sense but not frivolous, domineering but gentle, strong and powerful and full of energy, just listen to it, even the ears will be pregnant.

An Che simply said: "Today, An Qi and I are here, not apologizing. We just want to clarify the truth."

Because of his looks, the onlookers quickly divided into two opposing factions.

One group firmly believes that a person who grows up will never do such disgusting things, and it is impossible to cheat anyone's money.

When he grows up like this, he certainly disdains the workers' hard work of dozens of dollars.

But those who oppose it think that it is difficult to truly define a person's inner appearance from the outside. An Che and An Qi are two complete liars, and only the Yan Value Party will be deceived by them.

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