Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1364: I have a suspect

Wang Yulin waited until the police had finished the records, and then cried and said, "Police officer, thank you. I think I have a suspect, but I didn’t think it was him... At that time, I was drinking with him, thinking that everyone is friends. It's normal, but who knew that after he drank, he had such thoughts..."

"Miss Wang, who is this person, let's call him over." The police officer said immediately when she saw that she had a suspect.

"It's An Che from the An's Group." Wang Yulin cried and said, looking distraught.

The police officer naturally did not dare to neglect the Wang family, and immediately went to the An's group to bring An Che back for investigation.

What's more, Wang Yulin was able to provide the location of the incident. It was in An Che's car at the time of the incident. The police believed Wang Yulin even more.

Wang Jinhu, Wang Zhennan, and Wang Shili are all sitting in the police station, nominally caring for their daughters and sisters. In fact, one is here to sit here, and the other is to put pressure on the police.

This time, either An Che followed them, or they just used this thing to kill An Che.

When he saw the police bringing An Che over, Wang Shili rushed over to beat An Che.

An Che did not evade at all, but frankly met his fist.

"Sili, stop!" Wang Jinhu shouted.

Wang Shili withdrew his fist abruptly, but his face was unwilling.

An Che smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wang, I really didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

"An Che, don't be too arrogant. Jingzhou City is a place where the law is taught. You'd better show me something interesting." Wang Shili said fiercely.

The police took An Che for questioning.

Wang Shili really thought An Che had done that kind of thing, and said angrily: "Father, why didn't you let me beat him? This villain, who didn't believe anything, only agreed yesterday that we would cooperate with our Wang family. But I didn't say anything and treated my sister like that. I had to beat him so that my parents didn't even know him."

"Naughty. Beating people at the police station, are you giving An Che a chance to be released on bail?" Wang Jinhu said angrily.

Wang Shili realized that he was indeed too impulsive, and then lowered his head.

The police quickly interrogated An Che,

An Che naturally insisted that he was completely unfamiliar with Wang Yulin. Although he drank alcohol, it was just a business matter, and he had not had any relationship with her.

All of this was within An Che's calculations. Seeing Wang Yulin's pretense, he only felt very funny.

The police are already inspecting the things left by Wang Yulin.

But An Che predicted that at their speed, even if it was the fastest, it would take three days to find out that the things left in Wang Yulin's body came from three people, and none of them had anything to do with An Che.

A faint ridiculous smile appeared on the corner of his lips. The police officer was very upset when he saw that he treated the victim in this way. He knocked on the table and said, "An Che, you are a suspect now, please be honest. I didn't expect you to look like a dog, and even do such a thing."

Another police officer squatted and said, "Mostly I want to get into the relationship with the Wang family. Also, with the An's group, the future has never been as good as the Wang family. It is said that women worship gold, and this man worships gold. Ashamed."

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