Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1365: Climb to a big family like the Wang family

"If you climb into the Wang family, you won't have to worry about food and drink in the future. Of course, this An Che can't help but be tempted."

All the police officers couldn't help shaking their heads. Before, they thought that An Che was okay, and when he saw him on TV, he looked personable.

But who knows, he is such a person in his bones.

Police officers have always been contemptuous of those who raped women, so naturally they showed their disdain.

As for Wang Yulin, she pretended to be very pitiful and pitiful, and the female police officer comforted her kindly.

Soon, An Qi came over and made a request: "I want to release An Che on bail."

"Sorry, Miss An, the impact of the case An Che made is very bad, unless there is clear evidence that he did not do it, otherwise, we cannot agree to your request." The police officer said righteously.

"My lawyer wants to see him." An Qi said calmly.

She knew better than anyone whether An Che did this thing this time.

An Che was always by her side last night, of course it was impossible to be with Wang Yulin, let alone touch Wang Yulin.

But since An Che is going to act, An Qi must cooperate with him to perform the show to perfection.

The police officer let the lawyer in and looked at An Qi with sympathy: "It's a pity that Miss An, her secretary has betrayed her, and she doesn't want to do things with her anymore. Instead, she wants to climb the Wang's Gao Zhi, but Seeing her, she seemed completely unaware, and she kept throwing money at the lawyer to let him keep An Che."

"Tsk tusk, maybe she and An Che did this together. No matter how their An's Group climbed to the QC Group, they are just small households. To gain a foothold in Jingzhou City, they still want to climb the Wang Family. The big family will do."

The police officers are also gossiping, each with their own opinions.

After seeing An Che, the lawyer went out to meet An Qi and said, "Miss An, all the evidence shows that this matter is very unfavorable for An Che."

"Lawyer, I have been with An Che last night. There is absolutely no chance to do such a thing for him. So you can rest assured." An Qi said with a smile.

The lawyer couldn't help but shook his head secretly, wondering how they could come back. An Qi had a very close relationship with An Che. She was an alibi witness for An Che. I'm afraid no one would believe it.

But looking at her, she trusts An Che completely, a woman, she is irrational if she has feelings.

An Qi was about to leave, the police officer stepped forward and said, "Miss An, Miss Wang wants to see you."

"Good." An Qi nodded.

She followed them when they saw Wang Yulin, who was very embarrassed all over her body. Although she had taken a bath and changed her clothes now, she still appeared to have been ravaged.

Of course, how can we get more sympathy if this is not the case?

Wang Yulin looked at An Qi with some arrogance, and said with a smile: "An Qi, I didn't expect it, you think An Che is yours alone, but in fact, he doesn't care about you at all. I advise you , Let go early."

"What do you mean?" An Qi looked at Wang Yulin coldly.

"I mean, An Che will get me even if he breaks the law. Guess how true or false he is toward you? An Qi, go back to your Hengzhou city. Jingzhou city is not a country girl like you. A place to stay. This is my kind advice to you." At this moment, Wang Yulin, where is the image of the victim?

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