Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1419: Owe nothing

What's more, Mo Chenyi also has a son. He must also have a woman in his heart. Perhaps that woman's position is still very heavy.

She is tired of feelings now, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with men. It's nice to be alone.

She still wants to be free for a while, and she should not talk about feelings.

Seeing that Mrs. Jane couldn't convince her, she could only sigh and said, "It's okay, mommy just needs to know that you are determined to leave Guo Huaijin. At least you won't be trapped by a scumbag again. Other things, mom. I won’t say anything for now."

"Mummy is the best." Zhifei held Mrs. Jane, feeling really touched.

The family opposed her and Guo Huaijin so much before. Now that Guo Huaijin is a scumbag, Mommy didn't accuse her, but gave her the greatest love.

No matter when, parents are the ones who love themselves most.

After his mother came, Zhifei shut down the company he and Guo Huaijin had started together, and introduced designers and other employees who had worked hard with him to work in a friend's company.

Following her secretary, who is always very important to everyone, she won a position in An Qi's company for the secretary.

An Qi promised her that she would reuse the secretary.

Anyway, when I started this company, I did not spend a penny on Guo Huaijin. Now that the company is closed, it is impossible to give Guo Huaijin any money.

Coupled with the compensation for the infringement paid by Mr. Wang, it is known that Guo Huaijin is far more than earning back the 10 million that he had previously given him.

In short, all the money Zhifei spent with Guo Huaijin was recovered through this sum.

From then on, they owe nothing.

Mrs. Jian did not leave. Although knowing that the breakup with Guo Huaijin was a foregone conclusion, she knew that her daughter had always wanted to make a fortune in this industry and wanted to gain a foothold in Jingzhou City.

Zhifei's career must be continued, but this time, Zhifei will be on the road lightly.

Mrs. Jane will leave until she helps her daughter build up the company.

In order to get forgiveness from Zhifei, Guo Huaijin called Zhifei out.

Zhifei happily attended the appointment, she just wanted to see how painful and regretful he was, and she would not help him anymore.

When Guo Huaijin saw Zhifei, his eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up and said, "Zhifei, sit down. Thank God you are here."

"My mom, I asked me to come out to see you. She was very angry about what happened last night. Let's make a long story short." Zhifei took off her sunglasses, looking a little red and swollen in her eyes.

"Zhifei, I know I was wrong. I didn't mean to do what happened last night." Guo Huaijin said hurriedly, "You know that I have been in a bad mood recently. After drinking more wine, I will be confused... Usually I treat you. You can see how good and loyal you are."

Zhifei shook his head and said, "Huaijin, I forgive you for no avail. Now that our whole family knows about this, they can't promise me to be with you anymore. Huaijin, there is no way, I can't let me My parents are disappointed. I have had a terrible quarrel with them. I'm sorry... let's break up."

"Knowing the wrong!" Guo Huaijin was heartbroken, not only because of the loss of a strong backing, but also the sincere feelings of knowing the wrong.

"Let's cancel the engagement. I'm really afraid of irritating my mom again." Zhifei said.

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