Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1420: Own mistake

Guo Huaijin also knows that all this is her own mistake.

If it wasn't for him to make mistakes again and again, and still do business with Zhifei, how could this happen?

He was in pain and guilt, but he knew that it was because of him that he had a fallout with his family a long time ago, and now he has to fall out again?

Guo Huaijin knew that there would never be such a good thing again.

He was in pain, and Zhi Fei said: "Our previous company, I have closed it."

"Is there still money on the books?" Guo Huaijin asked, seeing the anger in Zhifei's eyes, he added, "I don't want your money, I'm just worried about you..."

At this time, there is still only money in his eyes, and this man's pattern is only like this.

Zhifei shook his head: "I gave you 10 million before. Later, many employees moved to your side. Although my design drafts were sold for a lot of money, they were also given to customers because of your plagiarism. Bian has caused a lot of trouble, where is the money in the account?"

Guo Huaijin originally wanted to let Zhifei borrow some from his parents.

But after opening his mouth, he knew it was impossible.

Mrs. Jian saw him and Sheng Yurou upset with her own eyes. With the tough attitude of her parents, she would never help Zhifei and herself again this time.

Zhifei picked up his bag, stood up, and said: "Forget it, let's break up now, I'm leaving, and my mommy should come to me later."

"Knowing..." Guo Huaijin was a little unwilling to give up, "Knowing that you still have friends, can you ask An Qi or Yun Wei to help me collect some money? I can definitely turn over, once I turn over, I can return the money as soon as possible They are!"

Zhifei smiled coldly: "Do you think you are with Sheng Yurou, they don't know? I'm still defending you in front of them, and now I am afraid I am asking them to borrow money, and they won't borrow money."

Guo Huaijin's face suddenly looked like ashes, yes, Yun Wei and An Qi live happily, and they are people who can't tolerate sand in their eyes. If they find a man's betrayal, they would have broken up long ago by their personalities, how can they be like knowing wrong? , Are you willing to come to see yourself?

When Zhifei left, Guo Huaijin held his head in pain.

When news came that the Jian family was about to divorce, Guo's father and Guo's mother hurriedly rushed to Jingzhou City from other places.

At first they thought it was the Jian family that was deceiving too much, but they soon received various bed photos of Guo Huaijin and Sheng Yurou, and they realized that it was their son's fault.

They didn't dare to scold their son, nor dared to make trouble. They only dared to catch Sheng Yurou out of anger, and scold her bloody, what kind of prostitutes, bitches, cheap goods, what nasty curses.

Sister Guo also remembered the goodness of Zhifei. What Sheng Yurou could do, but just serve tea and pour water and say a few gentle and nice words, but Zhifei, that’s really paying for it, buying all kinds of good things, and asking for the best. Nurses, find the best doctor, and get the best treatment for her condition.

Who is more important, now everyone knows at a glance.

Guo Huaijin regretted it too much, but it was too late now, and everything was too late.

He watched the beating and scolding of Sheng Yurou by his parents and sister, and he didn't mean to protect her at all. He hadn't thought of marrying Sheng Yurou, but only used her as a backup.

This is even more so now.

But Zai Zhifei would never return to him again.

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