Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1424: Strong character

She must have a strong personality, and she is definitely not the kind of woman who will succumb to the coercion and temptation of men.

Now she heard him say that she realized that the medicine was given by Sheng Yurou.

Yes, who could do such a thing, besides Sheng Yurou and others, who else would?

She sat up, her whole body was full of bruise hickeys, and her body was terribly restless, and she couldn't suppress some of her desires.

The effects of drugs are indeed terrible.

She didn't know where the impulse came from, she turned over and threw Mo Chenyi down, pressing him under her.

In fact, Guo Huaijin had long been let go of her heart, she didn't have any feelings for him anymore, and she was not throbbing with Mo Chenyi, her voice was a little trembling, "Well, you can be my doctor."

Mo Chenyi was startled, then ecstatic, and said in a dumb voice: "As you please, I am happy."

Thinking of being bitten by him just now, Zhifei leaned down and bit his shoulder fiercely, as if venting something.

Mo Chenyi deliberately relaxed, letting her bite. He thought that she thought of Guo Huaijin in her heart, so she was so unwilling.

But I don't know, knowing that it's a long, long time ago, has already drawn a clear line with Guo Huaijin in my heart.

She finished biting, kissed his lips, and felt his thin lips for the first time, only to realize that there was no smell of smoke or wine, nor any other smell, but a light fragrance like mint.

Although she liked Guo Huaijin before, she didn't like kissing him, because Guo Huaijin had to smoke as well as drink. There was always a smell of tobacco and alcohol, and there was nothing to talk about kissing, let alone other intimate interactions.

Now that I kissed Mo Chenyi, I realized that men can also have such an elegant and light taste.

She was a little probing, and a little bit as if she had gotten a new toy, gently probing and teasing step by step, as if a cat got a new ball of yarn.

Her unfamiliar technique caused Mo Chenyi's whole body to be ignited.

Zhifei kissed for a while, her body's reaction became more and more uncontrollable, but she was unfamiliar with what she was going to do next.

Mo Chenyi turned over and pressed her down, his voice was already hoarse, and he whispered: "The doctor comes by yourself."


When he had a clear mind again, Zhifei felt abnormally sore all over his body, and his whole body was as if he had fallen from several floors, and there was pain everywhere.

She squeezed her fist and remembered Sheng Yurou who prescribed her medicine. She was really too tolerant to that woman.

She got up and put on clothes, her tall figure bent over to pick up the clothes, her waist was thin and her hips were round, which made her look even more beautiful.

The desire that Mo Chenyi had just calmed down had a tendency to raise his head rapidly.

"I'm leaving." Zhifei put on clothes a few times, remembering the wildness with Mo Chenyi just now, and the corners of her lips twitched a few times.

The picture just now is really hard to think about, just thinking about it will make you blush.

She ran out somewhat evasively.

Mo Chenyi looked at her beautiful back, even though he had just wanted to see her, he felt dissatisfied at the beginning.

Everything about her is so beautiful, and the remaining touch is also with a delicate fragrance, once his heartbeat speeds up, it is difficult to slow down.

And this woman is really independent. She was crying under him just now begging for mercy. Now that she slept with him, she left without nostalgia?

There was a playful smile on Mo Chenyi's lips.

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