Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1425: He is about to make

Jian Zhifei, he is about to decide!

Even if there is another man in her heart, he must uproot that person from her heart without leaving any traces.

He would never allow his woman to think of any other man.

Zhifei ran out, losing the composure just now.

After she walked out, she realized that her legs were soft.

Oh my god, she really couldn't help covering her face, what did she do?

Although she was driven by drugs most of the time just now, it was obvious that she could give the critical moment, she took the initiative.

Moreover, she is quite cooperative and enjoys it.


But she adjusted it quickly. It seemed that Mo Chenyi had a woman before. Anyway, both of them took what they needed, and it was no longer one who was sorry.

What she should hate most now is the woman named Sheng Yurou.

Sheng Yurou got 50 million yuan from Mo Chenyi, and immediately gained confidence.

She quickly found Guo Huaijin and gave him five million. The reason she didn't take it out at once was that she also left a way for herself.

And she didn't dare to spend so much money at once, for fear that Guo Huaijin knew that it was the money she got by selling Jian Zhifei.

Guo Huaijin's eyes straightened when he saw the five million, "Yu Rou, where did you find the money?"

"I asked my original friend to borrow it, and I tried to borrow it all together. I finally got so much money. Huai Jin, you can use it first. I don't want to see you in a state of depression." Sheng Yurou is gentle and gentle. To say.

Guo Huaijin suddenly felt that Sheng Yurou was her true love. It turned out that she even borrowed so much money for herself.

He said guiltily: "I will definitely work hard, and I will give you a good day."

Sheng Yurou whispered: "I really can't get used to Jian Zhifei bullying you too much. You have to get the company right."

Guo Huaijin said: "Don't blame Zhifei, she always loves me, and I am the one who made the mistake first. But Yurou, I will definitely start the company well, and I will never let you down by then."

After Mo Chenyi gave the money to Sheng Yurou, she was asked to supervise her movements and would never let the two of them disturb Zhifei's normal life again.

It was discovered that Sheng Yurou had only given Guo Huaijin five million, one-tenth of the money, and he asked his subordinates to write down all this.

Guo Huaijin holds five million. Although he has the capital to turn over, five million is still too small to do business in Jingzhou City. It is really difficult to completely turn over.

There was no way, he asked his parents to sell the house in his hometown, and then took out all the money from the Guo family, desperately trying to fight.

The Guo family was originally a well-off family, and it was no problem to live a life. In order to support Guo Huaijin, all the properties of the house were taken out.

Now the family can only rent a house in Jingzhou City.

Guo Huaijin struggled to make a comeback.

He originally had some abilities, but before he was immersed in Sheng Yurou's gentle village, frequently making unconscious moves.

Now that I have learned from it, I have suddenly improved, and the business is finally on the right track.

Mo Chenyi let people monitor him completely, and when they saw that they hadn't harassed Jian Zhifei anymore, he didn't care about what they did.

For Mo Chenyi, the most important person is knowing what is wrong, and the rest are not within the scope of his concern.

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