Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1426: Blind date

Recently, with the support of Mrs. Jian, Zhifei also re-opened a fashion design company.

In fact, she had enough money. When the previous company closed, she had already transferred most of her property, which did not allow Guo Huaijin to get a penny.

In addition, the company under her mother's name sued the client for infringement and plagiarism, and received a large amount of compensation, which is enough to know that it is not to open a new company.

It's just that Mrs. Jane has been worried about her daughter, so she stayed in Jingzhou City to help.

Seeing that her daughter put Guo Huaijin down sincerely, without any emotional sorrow at all, Mrs. Jian was finally relieved.

But as soon as she found her daughter turned over the page of relationship, Mrs. Jane began to date her daughter.

She and Mr. Jian also did business in Jingzhou City, and they also had contacts, mobilized friends, selected many suitable young men, and began to let Zhifei meet.

In the beginning, she just asked Zhifei to accompany herself in the name of meeting friends for dinner.

Zhifei went there twice, and found that there were single young men every time, and he knew what his mother was planning.

When Mrs. Jane invited her again, she refused without time.

"Daughter, what's wrong with going out to eat? The two of the last two were the sons of your uncle's family. They have a good impression of you. Ask your number, do you want to give it?" I care about my daughter's lifelong affairs, and I wish my daughter would marry now.

Zhifei generally lay on the desk, drew a sketch of the clothes on the paper, and said, "What son of the uncle's family, I didn't pay attention."

She only cared about eating at the time, and didn't even care about other men.

Mrs. Jane stepped forward and patted her shoulder: "You have to stay in Jingzhou City. I will definitely help you choose a suitable person to take care of you. Otherwise, you will go back to City A and your parents can take care of you. what."

"Mummy." Zhifei put down the pen and said back, "You know I was hurt just now, and I don't have much confidence in men. I don't plan to find someone again so early. I just want to put the company's Do things well, okay?"

"Alright, Mommy will go back soon. You can always eat with me at night, right?" Mrs. Jian said.

"Of course you can." Zhifei said with a smile, "Dad urged you to go back? I knew, you can't stay with me for long, and Dad has to let you go back. You two, it's inseparable like this."

Mrs. Jane smiled happily. Knowing that her parents have always been in a good relationship, she stood up and said: "Okay, well, after dinner, I will book you a flight ticket, so that you and your husband will be sweet without delay."

Zhifei went to wash and dress up.

Mrs. Jane hurriedly picked up the phone and said, "Mrs. Chen? Zhifei agreed to come out. How are you and your son preparing? Maybe this time their young people are seeing each other right?"

Zhifei changed clothes and came out. Mrs. Jian put away the phone. Even if she was leaving, she still did not forget to help Zhifei on the blind date.

Anyway, if you catch an opportunity, it's one.

Zhifei picked up the bag and said, "Mummy, let's go."

Mrs. Jian and Zhi Fei chose a hotel with a good environment. As soon as she walked in, she looked around. She made an appointment with Mrs. Chen and pretended to be a coincidence later, so that the two children would have a chance to meet.

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