Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1428: The look of affection

Chen Ziwei immediately struck the iron while it was hot: "Knowledge, give me a number, there is Marseille tomorrow, let's go together? I'll call you and pick you up.

Knowing that Fei was about to refuse, she could come with her mother to eat and satisfy her mother, but she had never thought of any follow-up development with other men.

She was about to speak when she heard a calm male voice saying: "Sorry, my girlfriend doesn't like to call others."

Chen Ziwei was shocked.

Zhifei raised his eyes and met Mo Chenyi's eyes.

Mo Chenyi's subordinate hurriedly took a chair and placed it next to Zhifei, and Mo Chenyi sat down with him.

Chen Ziwei and Mrs. Chen were a little surprised, and Mrs. Jian did not expect such a situation.

Zhi Fei Busily explained: "Don't listen to Yi Shao talking nonsense, I actually told him..."

"Well, Zhifei is not too embarrassed to say, but it doesn't matter. Let me tell you, Zhifei and I are about to get engaged, and I plan to get married soon." Mo Chenyi said directly.

Mrs. Chen and Chen Ziwei also recognized Mo Chenyi and knew what his identity was. For a while, they all smiled in a jealous manner, and said: "So Yi Shao and Zhi Fei are getting married."

"When am I going to marry you?" Zhifei said in a low voice, gritted his teeth.

"Sorry, I didn't notify you in time, which made you feel wronged." Mo Chenyi said in a sincere voice to Mrs. Jian, "Auntie, I must know that I haven't told you yet. Let us officially notify you now. "

Where did Mrs. Chen dare to offend Mo Chenyi, and immediately said with a smile: "That's really congratulations to Young Master Yi and Zhifei."

Chen Ziwei was still a little unwilling. He blindly wanted to keep Zhifei on the phone. Mrs. Chen pressed her hands tightly. While dragging her son out, she said: "Then everyone is really disaccompanyed. I'm sorry we still have something. When Yi Shao and Zhi Fei get married, they must notify us to have a wedding drink and be happy."

How Mrs. Chen dragged her son, and now how she dragged her son away, Chen Ziwei looked depressed.

Mrs. Jane was a little happy, but also a little suspicious, and said, "Zhifei, why haven't you told Mommy about such a big thing?"

"Mommy, things are not like this..." Zhifei wanted to explain.

Mo Chenyi had already grabbed her waist and interrupted her and said, "Auntie, I didn't do a good job and didn't come to visit you in time. I know that the relationship was a bit bad, so I don't want to determine the relationship so quickly. But I Be prepared at any time. Engagement and marriage are both possible. Auntie, please believe that I will know what is wrong."

"Mo Chenyi, you..." Zhifei pinched his waist severely.

Mo Chenyi tilted his head towards her ear and said in a low voice, "Don't pinch it, or who will be your doctor in the future?"

Hearing him mentioning the incident that day, Zhifei's ears suddenly became red, and the heat of his words sprayed into her ears, and Zhifei couldn't hide his breath even if she wanted to hide.

His big hand was wrapped around her small waist, which was less than a grasp, and the hot breath pressed against her skin, so Zhifei had no way to refuse.

Seeing them like this, Mrs. Jane had already believed a little bit of their affection, and she had a good impression of Mo Chenyi himself, so she smiled and said, "If this is the case, it's not good for me to be a mother. Interfere with you. Knowing the wrong is also true, and I will not say it earlier.

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