Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1429: Brand you often eat

As a result, she almost gave Zhi Fei the wrong mandarin duck tree, so she learned that there was a gap between Fei and Mo Chenyi.

Mo Chenyi said sincerely: "Auntie, it was my fault. I didn't give enough sense of security to Zhifei, and Zhifei didn't talk about our affairs."

Seeing that he was willing to be a kid, Mrs. Jane was a little satisfied again, and said, "Then what are your plans now?"

"Mommy, don't listen to him talking nonsense, there is nothing planned between us... It's still early, don't listen to him." Zhifei knows the explanation and can't explain it clearly, I just hope Mommy will leave Jingzhou soon Cheng, as long as Mommy doesn't care about this matter, she can get rid of Mo Chenyi at will.

Mo Chenyi curled his lips and smiled and said, "Knowledge, if you want to talk about love for a few more years, I don't mind."

Mrs. Jian saw that Mo Chenyi had always respected knowledge and was even more satisfied, and said, "Okay, well, I can't manage so much as a mommy. You young people, do your own business. But do it yourself. , I have to stay in Jingzhou City for a few more days."

"Auntie, Zhifei and I will accompany you to stroll around in Jingzhou City." Mo Chenyi said immediately.

Zhifei annoyed and gave him an elbow: "Who wants you to accompany you?"

"Do you prefer to have a blind date every day or be with me?" Mo Chenyi asked, and he was content when he hugged her. He needed enough time to remove the traces Guo Huaijin left in her heart.

Zhifei gave up the struggle and said, "But without you, my mommy will leave Jingzhou City soon."

She was so angry that she picked up her bag and stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She hurriedly walked into the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, and sighed towards herself in the mirror.

How could it be like this?

She hurried out carrying her bag, just hitting a wall of people.

Seeing clearly that it was Mo Chenyi, I knew that he was a little bit angry: "Mo Chenyi, get out of it."

"I have already agreed with my aunt, and my aunt will stay a few more days. In addition, my aunt called my uncle, and my uncle said that he would fly in the sky. By the way, my uncle and my parents made an appointment for dinner tomorrow night." Mo Chenyi Said.

"Oh my God... I just left for a few minutes, what did you do?" Zhifei was clutching his chest, his stomach hurt.

Seeing her pale, Mo Chenyi stretched out his hand to support her, took out a medicine, and said, "Take it first."

"The medicine can't be taken randomly." Zhifei stroked his forehead.

"Stomach medicine, your secretary told me. It's a brand you often eat." Mo Chenyi poured her into her without a word.

Zhifei looked at him helplessly: "What the **** are you doing?"

"Marry you, you are responsible to me." Mo Chenyi's voice was firm, without holding his beak, staring at Zhifei.

Zhifei almost squirted out the medicine he took just now: "Master, I didn't hold you responsible, you want me to be responsible?"

"If you need me to be responsible, I will be happy." Mo Chenyi still shouted loudly, looking directly at her.

"I..." Zhifei found out that she really couldn't say a word, she had been bypassed by his logic.

"Let's go, Auntie is still waiting for us." Mo Chenyi took Zhifei's waist and walked out.

Zhifei felt like he was in the mist and walked to his mother.

Mother was extremely happy, talking endlessly. It seemed that her satisfaction with Mo Chenyi was at least 10,000 points higher than Guo Huaijin's.

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