Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1658: Conception in a natural way

"Yes. It is the right reason for Ruirui's disease to be cured sooner." Zhifei smiled, "Yes, sons and daughters are still waiting for you to eat. Let's go and go downstairs."

"Okay." Mo Chenyi is also a child slave. Since having a child with Zhifei, he is a twenty-four filial piety dad. Hearing Zhifei's words, he immediately ran downstairs.


It was late at night, and a deep twilight enveloped the earth.

Lin Motong lay in the room, her body cold.

The doctor was wearing a mask, and the sound of various cold instruments touching each other came from around him, which made people feel cold and could not help covering their ears.

Lin Motong held tightly the loose clothes on her body, which was a white surgical gown.

After Yan Mu asked people to get the sperm cells that were cold in the night, she hurriedly let her artificially conceive her, and now she was about to put the embryo into Lin Motong's body to give birth to a life.

Lin Motong widened her eyes nervously, looking at the ceiling, a huge cold syringe appeared in her sight.

She grabbed the surgical gown tightly with both hands, and asked in a dumb voice, "What is this going to do?"

"Miss Lin, you don't need to be nervous. This is an anesthetic. If you don't use anesthetic, your body may not be able to withstand the pain." The doctor's voice came through the mask, looking vague and hoarse.

Lin Motong closed her eyes nervously, the syringe touched her arm, and the cold touch made her shudder.

The drug enters the blood vessels, causing layers of skin to shudder.

Within three minutes, Lin Motong closed her eyes and fainted.

The operation was carried out in an orderly manner, just like when she was pregnant with Yueyue and Ruirui.

The doctor was originally skilled, but halfway through, he was surprised and said: "No, the operation must be stopped immediately. Her uterus has scars from the previous birth. If the embryo is forcibly placed this time, it will cause heavy bleeding and her life will be lost. If you don’t guarantee it, the embryo will not be kept.

"What to do?" the nurse said nervously.

The doctor immediately called his superior for instructions.

When Yan Mu received the call, she was extremely angry: "Didn't you have a checkup before? Why did you come to your head, but you couldn't operate?"

"I did have surgery before, but people's physical condition is often not tested by tests. The current situation is that she is not suitable for artificial insemination. However, natural conception can still be pregnant." The report is over there.

"Naturally conceived?" Yan Mu's face was distorted, and it was already a gift to her to let Lin Motong carry the Ming family's child. She still wants to sleep night and night?

"If it doesn't work, there really is no way."

Yan Mu asked sharply, "What about the embryo now?"

"The embryo is still healthy. It is formed by the combination of Lin Motong and Mingye's cold cells. If you find someone to get pregnant again, it's not impossible."

Yan Mu hung up the phone, she needs to think about it now, she can't make such a decision for the time being.

Since the embryo is healthy, it is okay for anyone to conceive now.

However, this is still not insurance.

She called Yan Manqing to her side and said, "Manqing, you come to conceive this child. Put the embryo into your body."

"No! I want to give birth to my own child. This is the child of Mingye Leng and that cheap-woman. Why should I be born in the next life? I don't want to do this!" Yan Manqing was excited when she heard it. Shout.

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