Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1659: How pregnant

"Mom doesn't want it either!" said Yan Mu loudly, "but who do you want to become pregnant? Don't worry?"

Yan Manqing bit her lip: "But I..."

"You come here! With this, you can also make Ming Ye Leng be responsible for you, why not do it?" Yan Mu said.

Yan Manqing bit her lip, a little hard to speak: "But... until now, he hasn't touched me, why are you pregnant..."

"I will let him come over, give him medicine, let him sleep with Lin Motong first, and then tell him that he slept with you, so that you are pregnant naturally." Yan Mu said calculatedly.

"Why let him sleep with Lin Motong?" Yan Manqing was 10,000 unconvinced.

"Ruirui's disease must be cured. Lin Motong's child is the only good place we can sell to the Lin family. You and Lin Motong are pregnant together, two-pronged, foolproof." Yan mother's thoughts are really incredible. Not meticulous.

It's just that Yan Manqing can't bear to let Lin Motong sleep in the cold night and night, and can't bear to conceive someone else's embryo by herself...

Mother Yan persuaded, "Manqing, what is it to give up such a thing by unscrupulous means to achieve the goal? You have been kind to the Ming family from now on, and the people of the Ming family will look at you for a lifetime. As for the children, as long as they are from the Ming family. The blood is coming out of your stomach again. Are you still afraid that you don't have a place in the Ming family? Those who do big things don't stick to the trivial, and what you give now will have a much higher return than this in the future."

Yan Mu can go to this day, the method is absolutely not simple, can marry the Ming family, and can help her daughter to gain a foothold in the Ming family, she can use any method.

Her political acumen for many years has been continuously used, which is definitely beyond Yan Manqing's imagination.

"Man Qing, think about it, Rui Rui was saved by us. He is your son. A Leng wants to be grateful for your kindness all his life, Rui Rui and Yueyue want to be grateful to your family for a lifetime, and the Presidential Palace must also accept yours. Child love, your status, why not worry about it? A family of politics and business, what do you think love is? There are only means and means of grace and power that can give you a foothold!" Between Yan Mu's expression, what flashes out is life. Her wisdom is just the wisdom of some people, who is kind and smart, but hers is inevitably a bit too vicious, and bases her own interests on the suffering of others.

Yan Manqing finally understood, and nodded: "Mom, I know what to do."

"You go for the operation now to get yourself pregnant, and let A Leng come home. I will arrange all this." Yan Mu said with a wave.


"Received an order from above to terminate the operation." The doctor put down the surgical equipment and stopped performing operations on Lin Motong.

The nurse and other doctors also stopped all their hands and awakened Lin Motong.

"Are you finished?" Lin Motong got up in a daze, and asked with a nasal voice.

She sat up, her expression numb.

The doctor shook his head and said, "Where is this operation so fast? I will have to do it next time, in a few days."

Lin Motong was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that a short operation would require so many troubles.

She got up, there was no special discomfort in her body, it seemed that the operation was not painful.

But my heart is always messed up.

"I want to make a call," she pleaded.

Someone passed the landline, and someone followed her, the meaning was obvious, and she wouldn't let her talk nonsense.

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