Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1664: Congratulations on getting pregnant

For Lin Motong, there is no embarrassment either.

Except for Jane and his mother's doctor, she has no phone to call.

Over the years, her studies have ceased and her mother has been ill again. She has no friends or relatives anymore.

Every time Lin Motong called Jian Si and the doctor, on the phone, hearing her mother's condition became more stable, Lin Motong was very happy, and her mood improved a lot.

"Hitomi, don't worry, Auntie has me and my brother." Every time Jane reports good news.

Indeed, as far as the hospital is concerned, Lin's mother has not been injected with cancer cells anymore, and her physical condition looks much better.

It was only the Yan Family's method of using Lin Motong to get her sick. Now Lin Motong has promised to do well. Naturally, the Yan Family doesn't have so much thought to care about Lin Motong.


One month later.

"Miss Lin, congratulations, you have successfully become pregnant." After taking a blood test for Lin Motong, the nurse gave a cold congratulation.

Lin Motong felt relieved, happy for her pregnancy, but at the same time, she was disturbed and uneasy.

"Then nurse, can I go see my mother?" Lin Motong asked carefully.

"No." The nurse put the nutrients away. "It's important for you to have a baby. Everything is for the sake of the child, so you can't run around."

"Can't you stay with me? I just want to see my mother." Lin Motong pleaded.

The nurse gave her a white look: "Miss Lin, don't forget that you have already accepted one million as your mother's medical expenses. This one million is not so easy to collect. Also, your mother is also waiting for the kidney to heal , Don’t you want to turn back, do you?

"I see." Lin Motong sat down in frustration.

She put her hand on her belly, where a little life had been gestated.

The doctor said that the child belonged to the man lying in the hospital bed, and that man, who was going to die soon, would donate the kidney to his mother when he died.

He gave birth to a child for him, and he continued his life for his mother, one life worth one life, and one million was paid out. It seemed that Lin Motong had earned it.

But when she thought of giving birth to this child in the future, she would never see the child again, and her heart was a little bit awkward.

Her delicate little face, wrinkled tightly together.


"Madam, this young lady is pregnant!" After the doctor checked Yan Manqing, he stood up and said to Mrs. Yan.

Because Yan Manqing is not married yet, the doctor is not sure whether he should say congratulations.

Mrs. Yan stood up with great joy, which showed that the embryo had taken root in Yan Manqing's belly.

She smiled and said to the doctor: "Okay, don't be trembling. In this Jingzhou city, no one knows that Man Qing is engaged to the Ming family. Some things before marriage are normal for this man and woman."

The doctor said immediately: "Congratulations, miss, congratulations, madam."

"Man Qing, this child, must be well kept. You prescribe some supplements for Man Qing, and you have also told Man Qing what matters to note." Yan Mu ordered.

The doctors followed suit one by one.

When the doctor left, Yan Mu said with a smile: "That woman is also pregnant, and you are also pregnant. If the child in your stomach is okay then, in this world, that woman and her child will not be needed. But. Now, to be on the safe side, I still have to keep her."

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