Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1665: Between me and Aleng

"Yeah." Yan Manqing couldn't hide her joy, "In this case, I have to tell A Leng about my pregnancy."

"Don't tell Aleng first," said Yan Mu.

"Why?" Yan Manqing looked at her mother in confusion.

Mother Yan said with a smile: "Such a big matter must be told to the elders of the Ming family first. Telling A-Leng is to tell, but that's something later."

Yan Manqing immediately understood that the time that Ming Ye Leng stayed here before was the medicine given to him. Whether or not there was a marriage contract, Ming Ye Leng is not a person who likes to be taken by others.

If he first told him that he was pregnant, he might be very unhappy, and might even not want the child.

But if you tell the elders of the Ming family first, there will be no worries. It is impossible for the elders of the Ming family to not want her as a child.

Yan Manqing admired her mother for being thoughtful, so she followed her to the presidential palace as a guest.

When eating at noon, Yan Manqing acted like a sick person. She couldn't eat greasy food. She went to the bathroom and vomited twice. When she came back, she said embarrassedly: "Sorry, grandparents, uncles and aunts. I have some colds these days, so my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, which makes you laugh."

"It's okay, it's all a family. Come here, just like my own home." Yun Lan said with a smile.

The old lady Ming said, "Man Qing, have you always been like this?"

"It's just these few days, not before, what happened to grandma?" Yan Manqing asked curiously.

"Man Qing, between you and A Leng..." The old lady Ming looked at Yan Manqing with a look of people, "Do you feel that your body is different from usual?"

Yan Manqing blushed all of a sudden, deliberately chewing her words: "Between me and Aleng...between me and him, because we are engaged, so we are actually..."

The Presidential Palace actually received the news a long time ago. It will be cold at Yan's house tomorrow night. Since he is willing to accept Yan Manqing, the Presidential Palace is naturally happy.

The old lady Ming said hurriedly: "Your body is an important matter, I will see the doctor for you right away."

Soon, the doctor came over, and after examining Yan Manqing, he was a little cautious. He didn't dare to say congratulations, but dared to whisper: "Miss Yan, this is pregnant."

Yan Manqing blushed deliberately, bit her lip and said: "I told Aleng that I will have children after we get married, who knows that there will still be...I...I..."

She blindfolded her face pretendingly.

She is doing this, but who can't see what is going on?

The old lady Ming turned into a flower with joy.

The doctor repeatedly said congratulations.

Mother Yan scolded with a smile: "You kid, why don't you care about such a big thing? This is still an important matter. If we hadn't come to Mingjia today, we wouldn't know yet."

"I didn't expect it either, Mom." Yan Manqing stomped gently.

The old lady Ming smiled and said: "Young girls are like this, they don't have much experience. No, just know it, nothing else matters, it's the child in the stomach that matters."

Mother Yan said, "Yes, yes, this is A-Leng's child. You must take care of it. No problems are allowed."

Yan Manqing lowered her head shyly, holding her mother's arm.

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