Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1704: Nutritional balance

Ming Ye coldly held the pen in his hand, but kept his eyes on her.

Lin Motong didn't notice what he was doing either, only knew that the fruit tasted really good, which completely satisfied the needs of a pregnant woman. She had no taste in her mouth these days, and had always wanted to eat sweet and sour fruit.

Prunes and cherries met her taste, and she ate more than half of the fruit in one go.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Mingye was looking at herself coldly, and she blushed in embarrassment, and found that she had eaten too much, a little nasty: "Sorry, I'm almost done eating."

Ming Ye Leng showed a look of disgust: "If you want to eat, eat all of it. There is a little left that looks obstructive."

"Oh." Lin Motong stuck out his tongue, lowered his head and continued to eat.

"Forget it, give the rest to me." Ming Ye Leng stretched out his hand and grabbed the fruit plate. He suddenly remembered that the doctor said that eating too much raw, cold and sour food would ruin the appetite.

After Ming Ye Leng took away the fruit plate, Lin Motong's hands were suddenly empty, and she had to watch Ming Ye cold eating cherries.

She hasn't eaten enough yet, but it's impossible to fight tomorrow night, so she can only watch him eat.

Just as she watched eagerly, revealing a puppy-like expression, her lips felt cold. It turned out that Mingye Leng put a cherry that he was going to eat into her lips.

Lin Motong was stunned for a moment, bewildered by the sudden gentleness, and wondered if he should open his mouth.

Mingye gave her a cold look: "Why, dislike it?"

"No." Lin Motong stammer nervously.

Ming Ye Leng dumped all the rest, and said: "The doctor said, you can eat, but you need to be moderate."

Lin Motong was even more stunned. Is this caring about her tomorrow night? Why is he suddenly so kind?

"The most important thing is to have a balanced nutrition." Ming Ye Leng continued.

Lin Motong stared at him blankly. When he spoke, he didn't look at her at all. It seemed that she was just air, and he said these words while flipping through the documents.

He turned his face to Lin Motong, his beautiful profile was very three-dimensional and looked even more handsome.

This made Lin Motong not even sure that he was talking to herself, she asked softly: "Master, are you talking to me?"

Ming Ye Leng looked up at her: "Lin Motong, I will run for president in the future. If someone knows that I am abusing a pregnant maid at home, do I still want the support of the majority of female citizens?"

So, Lin Motong knew that he would not really care about himself.

"There is a doctor in the house. When you feel uncomfortable, you should inform the doctor in time and don't hold on. Just tell Aunt Qin to buy what you want to eat." Ming Ye Leng continued, working on business matters. Look like.

Lin Motong couldn't help laughing: "My master, I won't make you embarrassed. In the future, I will also work hard to return the care of the Ming family."

"Get out if you have nothing to do." Ming Ye said coldly.

Lin Motong hurriedly went outside. When she went out, she was meeting housekeeper Kang. When housekeeper Kang saw her, he stopped and said, "Lin Motong, the young lady is looking for you, so hurry up."

"Okay." Lin Motong went downstairs with the fruit tray, thinking of going to see Yueyue, so she washed some fresh fruits and went to see Yueyue.

Before I walked to Yueyue's room, I heard Ding Hai leading someone talking, and there was Jian Fei's voice.

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