Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1705: In the Ming family

Lin Motong couldn't help but look over there, it was really Jian Fei.

She hurried over and said in surprise: "Jian Fei!"

"Tomi pupil, why are you?" After the doctor's treatment, Jian Fei's physical condition has recovered a lot, but one leg was broken and there was no way to walk. The doctor had arranged for her to be amputated.

"Jian Fei, are you okay?" Lin Motong looked at him up and down, and found that he was better than before. I don't know how much, and he was immediately happy.

"Hitomi, whose child are you carrying? Did someone bully you?" Jian Fei looked at her with Liujia, and suddenly became angry.

"Jian Fei, I'm fine. No one is bullying me." Lin Motong didn't want to involve Jian Fei in her own affairs, and smiled, "I'm fine now, it's all fine. It's you, it's okay."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Jian Fei felt a tingling pain in her heart, and shook her head and said, "Since you choose this, no one will bully you, that's fine. However, I really didn't run into that woman named Yan, I just It's just passing by her..."

"You will be fine. The Ming family will not hold you accountable." Lin Motong comforted, "You should be away in a few days."

She originally asked Ming Ye Leng to let him go, but now it seems that Ming Ye Leng did not embarrass him.

Even the cold tomorrow night did not make her embarrassing.

But Lin Motong immediately saw that one of his trouser legs was empty, and could not help being shocked: "Jian Fei, your legs..."

"Broken. They interrupted." Jian Fei lowered his head in frustration. Yuan himself was a strong man. Because of this innocent thing, he suddenly broke a leg and became a disabled person. No one can stand it. This one?

Jian Fei held her head, shook her head and said: "I really didn't hit that woman, but they wanted me for a leg..."

Lin Motong looked at him like this, and couldn't help crying. After growing up together for so many years, she watched Jian Fei suffer. It was not without pain in her heart.

She hugged Jian Fei's shoulders, and couldn't speak comfortably.

It happened to come downstairs in the cold tomorrow night, and when he saw Lin Motong and Jian Fei hugging each other, his face suddenly became gloomy.

As he walked in, the atmosphere in the entire room became gloomy and cold. Lin Motong also noticed the aura, released Jian Fei, and as soon as he turned his head, Ming Ye Leng looked at him coldly.

"Take Jian Fei away." Ming Ye coldly ordered.

"Where are you taking me?" Jian Fei shouted suddenly, "I really didn't hit Yan Manqing, she fell down by herself..."

Lin Motong was also anxious: "Master, where are you going to take Jane?"

Ming Ye Leng didn't answer her at all, Ding Hai had already asked someone to take Jian Fei out.

"Master, you let Jian Fei go, now he is like this, do you still want to do this?" Lin Motong pleaded, "Didn't you promise me that you want to let him go?"

"I promised you that I would let him go, and I promised you to stay. But I never let you be in the Ming family, if there is no one beside me!" Ming Ye Leng was powerful and his voice was cold.

These words pierced Lin Motong’s ears, and she couldn’t help saying: “Then you promised me that you will not abuse lynching again! But Jian Fei has already been interrupted by you. How To?"

Ding Hai came back and stopped immediately: "Lin Motong, do you know who you are talking to? It's not..."

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