Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1770: Color and fragrance

Lin Motong took the two of them to a corner place. Although it was not a private room, this place was near the window and outside the window was a garden. It was very quiet and elegant, and it was also very suitable for them to sit.

She had booked this place in advance.

Jian Si and Jian Fei sat down, Lin Motong smiled and said, "You sit here for a while, and I'll be here when I go."

Lin Motong asked the waiter to pour water for them and walked into the kitchen by herself.

"Lin Ruixuan" has always had a small spare kitchen, which is prepared when there are VIPs or a large number of guests, and the chef is too busy to call the chefs of other stores. It is always idle.

Lin Motong wants to invite Jian Si and Jian Fei to dinner, but he will definitely not delay the normal cook work.

Seeing Lin Motong walk in, the chef greeted with a smile: "Miss, the spare kitchen is reserved for you."

Lin Motong is generous and has always maintained a good relationship with these employees, so everyone in the kitchen greets her with a smile when they see her. Compared to Lin Xuechan, she is really good Get along a lot.

"But Miss, what do you want this spare kitchen for? And the dishes you want are all ready for you, do you really want to cook it yourself?" The chef was a little unbelievable, "What do you want to eat? Isn't it enough to tell us? You have to do it yourself?"

Lin Motong smiled and said: "I have a friend for her birthday today, and I have no other place to invite her. Just stay here. I will trouble you to do me a favor."

"Okay." Most of the people in the back kitchen were still convinced by Lin Motong, but there were also some people who were confidants of Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan. When Lin Motong came to the back of the kitchen, they all crumbled.

They were all wondering what tricks Lin Motong could do?

When it comes to authentic Beijing cuisine, "Lin Ruixuan" has always been a living signature, especially this flagship store.

Lin Motong invites friends to dinner and also cooks in person. Isn't this showing off? Can she make a flower?

Lin Motong didn't care about these strange eyes.

She followed her mother since she was a child and has learned a good cooking skill. In addition, she herself has been very researched about food, so cooking is the thing that makes her feel happy most.

Being able to cook for Jane herself today didn't feel embarrassing to her at all.

After many years of practice, she is also very fast, and if someone is there to help, she is even more comfortable.

Several classic Lin Mu's homemade and improved Jingzhou dishes were all made in more than half an hour.

Moreover, these dishes are delicious in color, flavor, and flavor. A pineapple fish is golden and bright in color and has a strong fish flavor. My own original Yung Tofu looks tender and smooth, which is very irritating.

Many people couldn’t help but look at it. At this moment, there are not many guests outside, and the kitchen is still quiet. Everyone looks at Lin Motong’s cooking, and they are not inferior to the chef at all, even just looking at the shape and smelling it. , I feel better than the chef.

"It's definitely not delicious." Mrs. Lin's confidants murmured secretly, "What's the use of just doing it well, it's not delicious, and it's a waste of raw materials."

"Yes, no matter what the dish, the taste is the first." Someone immediately agreed.

Lin Motong didn't bother to pay attention to these gossips. These dishes are all Jian Si likes to eat, and she is very good at them. Just like Jian Si.

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