Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1771: Inferior like her

As for other people's opinions, it is not important at all, and it is not for them anyway.

What's more, she also cooked these dishes in Ming's family, and everyone who had eaten them at the time was full of praise. Lin Motong was also very confident in her cooking skills.

She smiled and looked at the talkers and said, "It's not for you anyway, so you don't have to worry about it."

The few cronies were said to have been told, they didn't dare to refute face to face, they only dared to mutter behind their backs, with a look of contempt and contempt.

Lin Motong took the food out and smelled the scent. Jian Si couldn't help standing up, his face full of happiness: "Wow, it smells so good! Hitomi, did you make this by yourself?"

"Yes. Happy birthday." Lin Motong put the dishes on the table with a full smile.

The color of her dishes is very attractive, just looking at the color, can not help but make people drool, and smell this particularly rich fragrance, it is even more mouth-watering.

It just so happened that there were guests on the next tables. They were looking at the menu. When they saw the dishes at Jane's table, they all asked the waiter: "What kind of dishes are on that table? Let's order the same.

"Sorry, the dishes on that table were not made by our chef. They were made by the manager of our restaurant for a friend's birthday. They were made only." The waiter explained.

The guests at those tables all shook their heads: "Do you have these dishes in your restaurant? Can't you add those dishes to us?"

"I'm really sorry, I can't add it." The waiter said apologetically.

Lin Motong stood up, walked to them, and said with a soft smile: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, these dishes are all made by myself, so they may not taste the same as in the store. But today I will spend time with friends. For your birthday, I don’t have time to cook the same for you. But if you are willing to come later, I will definitely ask you to try these dishes next time."

The guests at these tables, seeing Lin Motong smiling and having a good temperament, they also lost their breath and said: "Okay, then we will come next time. Waiter, give us something else."

Lin Motong walked over to Jian Si and sat down, and Jian Si smiled and said, "Tongtong, the dishes you cook are so delicious, they are completely beyond what Auntie used to cook."

"If it tastes good, you can eat more." Lin Motong picked up vegetables for her.

Jane was very happy: "Yeah."

The next day, the guests at these tables really came.

Lin Motong didn't break his promise, and promised them to cook for them, so he carefully cooked the dishes made for Jane yesterday in the back kitchen.

As soon as these guests ate, they were full of praise, and each gave a thumbs up.

Mrs. Lin and Xuechan Lin were quite unhappy when they learned about this, but Mrs. Lin was smarter than their daughter, and said with a smile: "Let her go, the inferior like her can only do something for a lifetime. This kind of thing. I see, she is just as capable."

Lin Xuechan suddenly smiled when she heard her mother say so, "Yes, why should I be familiar with her. Let her go busy and work in the kitchen. I don't know how old she will be in the future."

But because of these few dishes of Lin Motong, the business that was originally good in the restaurant has flourished even more.

Mrs. Lin ordered several cronies and said, "Lin Motong is willing to do this kind of thing, so please drag her to do more."

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