Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1773: Seize this opportunity

The head chef immediately followed the current situation and said: "Our second lady’s boyfriend came back from studying in the United States. He is now very capable and will soon have the opportunity to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; by the way, our second lady will probably also work in the future. I don’t know how to take charge of the Lin family’s family business. The second lady has learned foreign languages ​​very well, and may work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the future. This is the appearance of a talented woman. Miss, I have no other meaning. envy."

"Then congratulations to you." Lin Motong smiled, did not think he was hit.

Her indifferent expression made Lin Xuechan and the chef master a little disappointed, but they turned to think that Lin Motong must be secretly hurt in her stomach, and her face showed a cheerful expression.

"By the way, my boyfriend is coming over tonight. Don't leave after get off work, stay and have supper together." Lin Xuechan said with a smile.

Everyone cheered up. Someone invited something to eat. That was a great thing.

"Sister, if you are okay, stay and have supper too." Lin Xuechan looked at Lin Motong, it seems that Lin Motong is someone who can't even eat supper.

"Let's see." Lin Motong raised her wrist and glanced at Time, because she was just a manager, so she usually left early in the afternoon.

She turned and left, Lin Xuechan watched her leave with a smile, thinking that she had won beautifully in this round.

The chef master said flatly, "The second lady has a high aesthetic history, so it's no wonder Li Gongzi is single-minded to you. As for this eldest lady, but she has a name, why should she fight the second lady? I don't know what the boss thinks. Suddenly brought her back."

"Don't say it. She has her life to stay in this home, and she has to live for a long time." Lin Xuechan smiled.

In the afternoon, when Lin Motong was about to leave, a waiter ran and said, "It's not good, Miss, there was a quarrel in the two best private rooms, and it was a terrible quarrel."

"I'll be over." Lin Motong said immediately.

Mrs. Lin rushed over: "No, no, you don't need to solve this matter, just go with Xuechan."

After that, Mrs. Lin pulled Lin Xuechan over and said as she walked: "In these two VIP boxes, people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came. I was saying that I would let you and Li Zhuohang go over to show off. It’s a set-off relationship. Who knows that something happened to them. This matter must be resolved, and you should be generous. Let’s seize this opportunity."

"Okay." Lin Xuechan quickened her pace when she heard it.

There was a lot of noise inside. The two groups of people are indeed members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but they are all people who don’t even know where to open the door of the Ming family, which is the lowest position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kind.

They were all drinking in the first place, and they didn't know what quarrels they had made. As a result, the quarrels became more and more quarrelsome with the wine.

Mrs. Lin walked in and smiled and persuaded me: "Everyone, give me a face. This order will be spared tonight. Everyone is a person with a face and a face, and I will not see you when you look up in the future..."

"No face!" Someone pushed her.

Lin Xuechan also joined in and tried to persuade him, who knew it was pushed aside, but the more persuaded, the more powerful this one became. These people became more noisy and violent, and they all picked up the wine bottle and knocked them to fight.

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