Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1774: Guess identity

Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan were pushed and hustling, and they couldn't resist these people for a while, let alone persuade them to stand up, they even tried to persuade them.

At this moment, the door was knocked and Lin Motong walked in.

"Don't make any noise!" Lin Motong said loudly.

Shocked by the sudden sound, everyone stopped and the crowd fell silent.

But wherever the quarreling people could stop, they were all the people who were overwhelmed by wine, and suddenly became noisy again.

However, one of the slightly higher-level people looked at Lin Motong and was suddenly stunned. It turned out that because of something he had done before, he followed his superiors to the cold office tomorrow night. On his desk, he saw something A picture of a woman.

He immediately fell in love, and now seeing Lin Motong, he realized that she was not the person in the photo?

Although he didn't know her identity, he knew that the woman who could appear on the desk in the cold tomorrow would definitely not be a simple identity.

He immediately grabbed the colleague who was on him. The colleague was still struggling to quarrel with the other party. When he heard his whisper, he fell silent.

Slowly, everyone calmed down. Although everyone didn't know Lin Motong's identity, with their identities, they didn't even dare to touch a single hair of the Ming family.

Besides, as members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are arguing and about to fight here. If this is known to the reporter and reported in the newspaper, they will not be able to eat, and their careers will have to be finished.

"Everyone, make money with harmony. Everyone goes out to eat and drink. It’s fun to have fun. Now it’s so messy, and it’s even going to be bloodied. Why bother? Listen to my advice, eat well and have fun. Even if it’s on my head today, when I ask you to calm down.” Lin Motong said neither humble nor arrogant. Her outstanding appearance is even more annoying at the moment.

Partly because of her words and partly because of her faint identity, everyone didn't dare to make any more troubles.

"Okay, everyone is no longer arguing. It's all colleagues. What does it mean to make a noise? Everyone step back, I will take the lead, step back first, is this all right?" The man who first guessed Lin Motong's identity also jumped Came out to maintain order.

Now that there is a step down, other people are unwilling to make a big mess, and they all say to step back and stop making trouble.

Lin Motong smiled and said, "Isn't this just right? You guys are willing to take a few more sips. The kitchen has prepared drinks for you. Please stay and enjoy yourself; if you are exhausted, I will arrange for someone to send you back. "

"Don't dare to bother, don't dare to bother." Everyone's drunkenness disappeared a long time ago, and their senses returned. Where would you dare to bother Lin Motong?

"Waiter, don't charge these people, it's all on my head." Lin Motong arranged.

Where do these people dare? What exactly was Lin Motong's identity? They would rather be trusted to have it than not. They all went to the front desk and obediently bought the order.

When Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan saw her appear, they resolved the matter, and they didn't know what magic she used.

Mrs. Lin stood up and said with a weird smile: "Hitomi, you are still great."

"Everything is handled, I should leave too." Lin Motong said, "Leave the rest to you."

Not far away, there was a figure standing there, looking at it all the time. When Lin Motong passed by him, he still followed Lin Motong's figure out.

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