Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1775: Slander people's ability, but first-class

"Zhuo Hang? Zhuo Hang?" Lin Xuechan ran over and called him a few times.

Li Zhuohang then retracted his gaze and said, "Who was that just now?"

"It's my hapless sister. My father brought her back to the Lin family for her." Lin Xuechan complained.

Hearing her complaint, Li Zhuohang frowned and looked out again.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Xuechan also found that he was absent-minded and couldn't help asking.

Li Zhuohang's gaze was attracted by Lin Motong, but he didn't even turn around for a while.

Lin Xuechan was a little unhappy: "Zhuo Hang, what are you looking at?"

Li Zhuohang turned around and smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that you want to invite everyone to have supper? Your sister will go?"

"My sister, my sister, I don't care if she goes or not." Lin Xuechan said angrily, "How do I know if she is going or not, it's just a bitch, who knows what she is going out to do?"

Mrs. Lin also came over and said with a smile, "Zhuo Hang is here?"

"Is everything resolved?" Li Zhuohang asked.

"It's all settled. Although our'Lin Ruixuan' is only a restaurant, we can't tolerate their mischief." Mrs. Lin took all the credit to herself and praised her daughter. Solving problems is also very good."

Li Zhuohang smiled: "I saw that there seemed to be other people also solving problems."

Mrs. Lin realized that he was talking about Lin Motong, and smiled: "You mean Lin Motong? She never went to school, nor did she go to school. When she was a teenager, she started to follow her mother and mix with her. It’s a place. She knows a lot of people and has seen many messy things. It’s not surprising that she can solve such things."

The implication was that Lin Motong was able to solve such a problem, all because she met so many people outside.

Mrs. Lin slandered people's ability, but she was first-rate.

Li Zhuohang did not speak any more.

When Lin Motong left "Lin Ruixuan", an ordinary car parked in front of her. She got in the car, but unexpectedly found that tomorrow night was cold.

It was the first time he could come to pick her up.

"A Leng." Lin Motong was very surprised.

"I heard that something happened just now?" Ming Ye had many eyes and ears, and arranged for someone to guard Lin Motong at any time. Naturally, nothing could escape his eyes.

"You already know? It's actually not a big deal. It's just that a few people are drinking in the restaurant and are about to fight. I heard that they are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of yours. I think if it is not resolved, outsiders will know about People criticize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it's not good." Lin Motong explained.

"So you are going to solve such a dangerous thing?" Ming Ye said coldly.

She heard his worry, her eyebrows suddenly smiled: "Fortunately, they are also quite reasonable, and no one really wants to fight."

"Ding Hai, find these people and give them a beat. If something like this happens again in the future, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will never leave people like them." Ming Ye Leng immediately explained.

Ding Hai will do it right away.

Lin Motong stuck out his tongue. His punishment was heavy enough, but as a public official, these people were indeed too much.

"And you." Seeing Lin Motong's grimace, Ming Ye Leng's voice became stern, "When you encounter such a dangerous situation in the future, avoid it, understand?"

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