Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1778: Waiting for you in the hotel

Mrs. Lin smiled triumphantly and handed her the business card: "Go, he is waiting for you in the hotel."

Lin Motong took the business card and walked out. The car of the Ming family would always wait for her at the right place and time, and then she avoided everyone's eyes and ears and left.

Mrs. Lin saw Lin Motong leave, and immediately took Lin Xuechan to the hotel slowly.

After a while, Boss Wang would definitely use various means to force Lin Motong to submit. She hurried away, just in time to catch the current situation.

At that time, she can let Lin Motong marry the boss Wang on the grounds of helping Lin Motong cover up the scandal.

Not only can it solve Lin Motong's big trouble, but it can also make Lin Xuechan feel more comfortable, which is really a good thing with one stone.

Lin Motong came to the hotel according to the address. As soon as he arrived at the door of the room, footsteps heard behind him.

She hurriedly turned her head and saw that it was cold tomorrow night. She couldn't help but said in surprise: "A Leng, why are you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Ming Ye Leng stretched out his palm.

Lin Motong put her hand into his palm: "What the **** is going on?"

"Mrs. Lin made an appointment with an old man here, planning to sell you to her. I arranged for someone to call the enemy of Boss Wang. They may have just beaten each other." Ming Ye Leng shrugged slightly.

"I knew she had no good intentions." Lin Motong had long known that Mrs. Lin and Xuechan Lin were not good people, but she still felt a little sick when she heard them use such sloppy methods, "Then what shall we do now? "

Mingye Leng took her hand: "Go home."

Lin Motong felt warm, and was about to leave after tomorrow night, when she saw Mrs. Lin taking Lin Xuechan into the hotel.

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong stopped at the same time, and did not leave immediately. Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan entered the hotel carelessly, went upstairs, and went straight to boss Wang's room upstairs.

Hearing movement in the room, Mrs. Lin said beamingly: "Xuechan, this is done."

Lin Xuechan opened the door immediately and said loudly, "Sister, I didn't expect you to be here..."

However, she saw Boss Wang, who was knocked to the ground, and a few gangsters.

A few gangsters saw Lin Xuechan and Mrs. Lin come in, and suddenly laughed: "You are looking for Boss Wang? It just so happens that Boss Wang owes us some money. Pay back the money."

After speaking, these little gangsters rushed towards Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan.

Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan were frightened to death. The punks entangled, and they rushed into the elevator with one breath, but they were very frightened.

Ming Ye Leng and Lin Motong just saw the scene where they escaped embarrassedly, watching them coldly as they were chased by the gangsters.

Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan finally escaped into the car, breathing again and again. Because of this matter, Mrs. Lin originally wanted to calculate Lin Motong, so they did not dare to call the police.

But after such a fright, Lin Xuechan's body became ill. She already had chronic kidney disease, and she hadn't taken care of her body. The most important thing was that she couldn't help being frightened and angry. She became ill immediately after such a fright.

Mrs. Lin drove Lin Xuechan to the hospital and ignored Lin Motong.

Anyway, all this is what they deserve.

Lin Motong watched their car leave, her face was cold, until she felt Ming Ye's cold eyes looking at her, she turned her head and gave him a big smile.

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