Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1779: Solve the problem of insufficient manpower

"Let's go home." Lin Motong took his hand and got into the car together. She was very satisfied that he could help herself.

Early the next morning, Boss Wang slammed the door to find Mrs. Lin, and cursed, "You motherfucker, ask me to come over and say you want to sweeten me, and in a blink of an eye, someone will cut me off and sell me? If you don’t smash your broken shop, I won’t be surnamed Wang!"

It turned out that Boss Wang was beaten by someone yesterday, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he got. Mrs. Lin had to come to think about it, so he came to the door.

Mrs. Lin and Lin Xuechan were too scared to come out.

Boss Wang yelled at the flagship store early in the morning, and it was even more like a lace-up news, causing the staff to talk about Mrs. Lin's uncleanness.

Lin Motong immediately sent a call to the police, and the police took Boss Wang away, and the matter was finished.

But suffering from this blow, Lin Xuechan's body was not well maintained again for a while.

At this moment, there was bad news in the restaurant-the chefs who were preparing to participate in the food contest were poached by another restaurant!

They poached their restaurant, called "Hao Ruixuan", even the name was no different from "Lin Ruixuan".

This restaurant also specializes in Jingzhou cuisine, and has always been a competitor to Lin Ruixuan.

Several of the best chefs of "Lin Ruixuan" were dug up this time, but "Lin Ruixuan" was greatly injured.

Lin Lide had a bad temper when he came over, and shouted, "Then what should I do now? Who will do the things in the back kitchen of the restaurant? Also, who will participate in the food competition? Who will come, who will come?"

Lin Motong is in management, and Mrs. Lin is in charge of personnel.

Mrs. Lin has only been stumbling Lin Motong during this period, so where is the mind to take care of personnel matters? She didn't even notice the chefs' departure.

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to come forward to solve this matter, let alone solve it.

Lin Lide is getting more and more angry: "Now the chefs are not enough, and no one is going to participate in the food competition. If we miss such a great advertising opportunity, everyone of us will have to drink Northwest Wind this year!"

Mrs. Lin lowered her head and dared not speak for a while.

Although the other employees have their heads down, they all look indifferent. Anyway, work is not started here, and there are places where work can be started, and they don't care. For this kind of work, it is too common to change jobs.

Lin Lide looked at Lin Motong and asked, "Tongtong, what do you say about this?"

"There is no way. For the food contest, you can choose a chef. As for the lack of staff in the back kitchen, I have never been able to solve it, but I don't know if you agree."

Lin Lide immediately said: "What way do you think?"

"My mother has always left me a lot of secret sauces and marinade recipes. If you use these seasonings and marinades to make a lot of ready-made specialties, and prepare them early, you can solve the problem of lack of chefs during the peak meal period. "Lin Motong looked at Lin Lide lightly.

"That's true. The seasoning given by the lady recently is particularly fragrant when cooking. Those lo-mei is also a must-order dish at every table. During this time, our passenger flow has improved a lot." The waiter and the chef immediately said together.

Lin Lide has also heard about it. Recently, business in restaurants has improved a lot, and many people came here for the few flavors of dishes that Lin Motong gave.

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