Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1785: Family support

"That tomato fish looks so delicious." Yueyue said while sitting on the sofa, pointing to the TV.

"I'd rather eat that sauce and stew." Rui Rui was more calm.

Lin Motong smiled and said, "Okay, I will make it for you tomorrow."

She reached out and tapped their noses.

Yueyue and Ruirui immediately lay on her shoulders and kissed her face with a smile.

"Young grandma, the young master is back." Butler Kang came forward, "Mr. President and Mrs. President are also here."

Lin Motong stood up immediately and said with a smile: "Yueyue Ruirui, grandparents are here."

Yueyue and Rui Rui immediately ran out like a bird.

Lin Motong felt a little nervous. No one knew what she was doing outside the Presidential Palace.

But with the broadcast of the TV station, sooner or later this matter is unavoidable.

She knows better than anyone that the presidential palace places great importance on reputation, and restaurant matters, after all, are not on the table. If Mingyu and Yun Lan object, she really has nothing to say.

Just thinking about it, Mingyu and Yun Lan came in, and Lin Motong stepped forward and said, "Father, Mom."

Yueyue and Ruirui are like two little monkeys, one is picking Yun Lan and the other is tired of Mingyu.

They spent the most time with Mingyu and Yunlan when they were young, and now they have the best relationship with Mingyu and Yunlan.

Butler Kang smiled and said: "Sir, madam, master, grandma, dinner is ready, you can take a seat."

"Okay, Tongtong, have you eaten Langlang?" Yun Lan asked with concern and gentle eyes.

"He has eaten it." Lin Motong said softly.

When everyone was seated, Mingyu was a little surprised when he ate a piece of meat foam fans, stopped his chopsticks and said, "Is this dish made by Hitomi?"

"I did it." Lin Motong said softly, "My mother gave it to me, so I never gave up."

"It's delicious." Mingyu nodded.

Yun Lan also smiled and said: "This kind of taste is what I had tasted when I was studying in Jingzhou City. I haven't tasted such an authentic and refreshing taste for many years."

Lin Motong didn't know if Mingyu and Yun Lan would oppose her, she raised her eyes and watched Mingye Leng secretly.

Ming Ye Leng stretched out her hand to hold her hand, and said to Ming Yu: "Father, Hitomi is working in'Lin Ruixuan', presumably you and mom also know about it?"

"Well, I saw it on TV." Yun Lan said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Hitomi would enter the final without any pressure. Because I didn't expect Hitomi to cook so many delicious dishes, and I don't know if there will be any in the future. It's an honor to have it."

"If Mom likes it, I will do it often in the future." Lin Motong smiled.

Ming Ye Leng said to Yun Lan: "Actually, Hitomi basically cooks the meals at home every day, and she takes care of us very well."

Yun Lan looked at them very tenderly: "It is great for Hitomi to find what she likes to do. Some people have spent their entire lives, busy and busy, and don't know what they like to do. Hitomi. Hitomi was able to find her hobby, and we are also happy for her."

Lin Motong's expression relaxed, originally thinking that they would oppose it, but she didn't know that their reasonableness exceeded her imagination.

"Your father and I have always felt that doing what you can really like is the best." Yun Lan said softly and calmly.

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