Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1786: Pampered by him

Mingyu said loudly, "Although we are the home of the Presidential Palace, the president is nothing more than a profession. It is not more noble than other people, nor is it more noble than other professions. What you are willing to do, as long as it is from your heart and you really like it. , I am not ashamed of my heart, and don’t care about what the outside world says about fame and fortune.

Lin Motong was very moved, and solemnly said, "Thank you father, thank you mom."

Yun Lan patted her hand: "We are also people with daughters, and Weiwei is still doing her own things now, and Zhanying has given her a relaxed atmosphere and environment. You also let go and be yourself."

"Well, I will." Lin Motong's hanging heart fell completely.

"Then I want to open a flower shop in the future, can it?" Yueyue couldn't help but said, "I can plant many, many flowers, and then package them beautifully and sell them to everyone."

"Okay, okay." Yun Lan and Mingyu couldn't help but smile, "Yueyue, Ruirui, as long as you like it and what you do will not harm others, it is the right thing."

"Well, then I will buy some flower seeds tomorrow and plant them in the garden, okay? Also, I can also cook many many vegetables in the garden, such as carrots, peppers, corn, pumpkins, and eggplants, so that Hitomi will not I need to go out to buy vegetables, just pick mine." Yueyue clenched her small fist, vowing to contract all the raw materials of Tongtong's firmness.

Everyone laughed kindly.

In the evening, Lin Motong and Ming Ye Leng went upstairs together, and she said softly: "I really didn't expect that my father and mother would come here specifically for my business."

"Although we rarely appear in front of the public, there are still people who recognize your identity, belittle what you do, and secretly file a complaint to the Presidential Palace in an attempt to cause trouble." Ming Ye Leng said, "That's why my parents came here. Once there, talk to us in person, so that people with ulterior motives will not confuse our relationship and cause our discord. Parents don’t want anything in our family to cause internal disharmony.”

"My parents are really wonderful." Lin Motong was really moved. She had not had a complete family since she was a child, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like for her parents to be affectionate and harmonious.

And these were actually felt in the Presidential Palace and Ming Family.

It is said that the rich and powerful are the place to fight for power, but the Ming family is completely different. Inside, they are completely ordinary happy family.

Ming Ye Leng put his hands on her shoulders: "If you have father and mother this time, you can rest assured to do your own thing."

"Yeah." Lin Motong was also grateful to him.

"Just the only point..." Ming Ye Leng began to talk about terms.

"What?" Lin Motong was a little nervous.

"Don't be too tired." Chong Du was in his voice.

Lin Motong instantly shyly threw herself into his arms, being petted by him, her whole body was fluttering.

She whispered: "Is Yun Wei the same, always doing what she likes?"

"Yes." Ming Ye coldly touched her hair, "I hope you can be as happy as Yun Wei."

As for whether he can do it, it depends on whether he can become a good man like Lu Zhanting.

Lin Motong said in a low voice: "I feel very happy now. The whole person is surrounded by tolerance and love. This is a feeling I haven't felt in the first half of my life."

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