Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1795: Final match

On Mu Yan's side, he also learned that Lin Motong was constantly out of position.

Because I deceived Ming Ye Leng before, and Ming Ye Leng was in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and emptied all of Mr. Yan’s power. During this time, Mr. Yan’s life was not easy, and the life was very difficult, so he did not care to come to Ming Ye cold .

But seeing Lin Motong appearing in front of the public now, and Ming Ye is still very upholding her in the dark, Mr. Yan and Yan Mu looked a little gloomy.

The position of Lin Motong, the young grandmother, should have belonged to Yan Manqing.

And the important position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has Mr. Yan's share.

I didn't expect to calculate and calculate, but Lin Motong and Ming Ye Leng were brought together.

Mother Yan could not swallow this breath and said, "Prepare information for me. In the last game, didn't they want to act in public? Then I will expose the complicated relationship between them. When I saw it, the outside world still How do you see that tomorrow night is cold and the presidential palace!"

The last game is about to begin.

Lin Lide and Mrs. Lin did not arrive at the scene at all, but waited with Lin Xuechan and the doctor in the prepared RV early in the morning.

The doctor received a large sum of money. Although he didn't know whose kidney he was going to take, he didn't care about it, as long as the matter was successful.

The entire RV is a small operating room.

Lin Xuechan is also waiting here.

Of course, Ding Hai also began to act under the arrangements of the cold tomorrow. His actions were of course more careful and smarter than those of Lin Lide and others.

Lin Lide and Mrs. Lin waited for the time: "Before the start of the game, we fooled Lin Motong over, and other things are left to him."

Lin Xuechan squeezed her fists nervously. With fresh and healthy kidneys, she will no longer have to suffer from illnesses, and she will no longer need to be entangled in diseases, and she will not be at peace.

More importantly, in the future, Lin Motong, who was never wearing a halo, stood in front of her, setting off herself like a useless waste material.

All of this made her feel comfortable, and her nervous mood could relax for a moment.

The game started.

This time the competition is to make desserts.

As we all know, desserts are abundant in the European and American world. In a purely Oriental country like country S, typical desserts are not cakes, breads, tiramisu, etc., but traditional porridge, soup, paste, etc.

How to make desserts that meet the tastes of modern people and be delicious while retaining the traditional characteristics of the East has always been the research of the chef.

The competition has begun. Chefs can choose the ingredients of their choice and make a refreshing dessert to participate in the competition. They can choose one at will without restriction.

Some people choose pumpkin porridge, some people choose bird's nest, some people choose white fungus soup, and so on.

Lin Motong chose ice powder.

When she said this, many people couldn't help but laugh. What is ice powder? something delicious?

On Lang Lang's birthday last time, Yun Wei came back once and said that she had been full of praise for the snack ice powder in her hometown of Hengzhou. Lin Motong made it for her at that time, and she surprised Yun Wei.

Later, even though Yun Wei left, Lin Motong continued to practice and found a better way.

She herself tried to make Yueyue Ruirui at home, and they loved it very much.

Living in a loving family like Ming's family, Lin Motong has more confidence and enthusiasm to try to make all kinds of delicious food, and his cooking skills are becoming more and more exquisite.

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