Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1796: Avenue to Jane

When she finished a bowl of ice powder, put more than a dozen kinds of fruit preserves, added the boiled brown sugar water, and immediately, a bowl of authentic and authentic ice powder was ready.

The ice powder looks very beautiful, crystal clear like ice, but much softer than ice, soft and smooth like jelly.

If crystal clear is a beautiful color, then ice powder is "brilliant as a peach and plum", but not "cold as frost".

The appearance of ice powder is similar to jelly or agar, but it has a more regular shape and more crystal clear than agar.

After adding brown sugar water, it is even more like agar with agate, very bright and eye-catching.

Lin Motong also added the hawthorn fruit, black sesame seeds, and raisins made by herself, which makes this bowl of desserts more ingenious and bright.

Soon the judges said: "I have heard of ice powder. It is a kind of snack and dessert in the south. However, most of the ice powder I have seen is made of chemical substances in bags and blended with water. The taste is good. But it is not suitable for eating more, and it is not suitable for the elderly and children."

Lin Motong smiled gently and said, "It is true that a lot of ice powder is made by blending. But mine is not. You have also seen that the physalis seeds I used just now were rubbed in water to get the physalis. The ice powder is obtained by the gelatinous coagulation material on the outer layer of the seed. The blended ice powder is not good, but this pure natural ice powder has no pollution and is suitable for the elderly and children. In addition, the taste is also better. The hawthorn fruit and raisins are all pickled by myself during the season, and the black sesame seeds are fried by myself. I boil and filter the brown sugar water three times to remove all possible impurities. Yes. Please taste the taste first."

The judges were skeptical, but looking back at Lin Motong's video just now, her ice powder was indeed rubbed out by her hands, which was very different from the usual ones.

Taste another bite, sweet and sour and delicious, indeed very clever.

The taste of ice powder is very high, tough but not hard, soft but not soft, with a springy taste, slightly like jelly, and richer in taste than jelly.

Taste another bite, the brown sugar water is sweet but not greasy, and it is more refreshing.

The hawthorn fruit has a sour taste, but it is just neutralized by the sweetness of the brown sugar water. It becomes sour and sweet and refreshing, which is both appetizing and greasy.

"Okay, okay, it's really different from blending." The judges praised again and again, this kind of taste, even eating a few bowls will not get tired.

Especially the s national cuisine and Jingzhou cuisine are slightly greasy. After eating the greasy dishes, another serving of this ice powder is simply delicious.

"If you eat it in summer, you can add ice cubes. If you eat it in winter, you can warm milk." Lin Motong introduced with a smile.

She handed the two portions with ice cubes and hot milk to everyone separately.

A simple ice powder, made by her, has a completely different taste.

"The great way is simple, the good cooking skills are displayed in the square inch, it is really different." The judges nodded in recognition, "The contestant Lin Motong can not only control the complicated dishes, but also show the style on this simple food. Simple, not simple."

Lin Motong couldn't help smiling.

Looking at Ming Ye Leng in the corner, there was a more smile on his face. No matter what Lin Motong did, he had a proud pride in his mind.

Proud of her achievements, and proud of her being able to do what she likes to the extreme.

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