Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1904: Getting too much

Although the identity of a general could have passed, what would he do and who would save him?

In the dense forest.

The attackers began to fire at Qiao Zhen and others.

Qiao really cheered up, but it was only one night, and he was able to hold it up.

What's more, the thick military uniform on his body, no one can see any clues.

As long as you last through tonight, there will be a helicopter to pick you up, and you can change your clothes and deal with it immediately. There is no need to worry about anything.

Now that he is ready to fight like a man, he shouldn't be defeated by anything.

After thinking about it, Qiao Zhen immediately changed his personality and challenged Gao Chi together.

The attacking team on the opposite side was fierce.

The attack on Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi was extremely brutal. The enemy had discovered that there were only two of them, and I don't know if they were alone or what happened, but it was undoubtedly beneficial to the enemy.

So the firepower all attacked them fiercely.

Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi are swift and sharp, and after three months of rigorous training, they have long been accustomed to all kinds of fierce offensives. Avoiding and shooting in the dense forest are like fish in water.

However, with the large number of enemies, Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi gradually couldn't support them.

After they whistled to each other, they hid.

In the dense forest at night, it is difficult to find two people.

Because the enemy's target was Hua Guannan and others, after several times they could not find Qiao Zhen, they turned to attack the crowd on Hua Guannan's side.

Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi both breathed a sigh of relief.

With so many offensives, Hua Guannan and others also began to evade and fight back.

But this time, the other party was a group of people who had performed very well in the training, and they were also very united. Hua Guannan and the others could not hold it soon.

Just when a rubber bullet shot towards Hua Guannan, it was about to hit him in the chest.

If he is really hit, even if he won't be seriously injured, Hua Guannan will be forced to press the abstention button by the enemy and will eventually be eliminated.

Seeing Hua Guannan about to be hit by a bullet, Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi were both taken aback.

Who knows, Hua Guan Nanshun grabbed a member of his own group next to him and blocked him.

The bullet hit the team member, and the team member fell down. Hua Guannan found a chance to get out, but the team member fell to the ground. There was no resistance. He watched the abstention button on his watch being pressed by the opponent team member. Despair was revealed in it.

"Damn!" Gao Chi roared, "Is this Hua Guannan a special man? I don't expect him to save people at the critical moment, but I can't harm people for my own self-interest, right?"

Qiao Zhen was also angry. This Hua Guannan was really getting more and more excessive, even his own players did not let go.

If he does this, the other players will become cannon fodder to protect him, and no one can stay.

The other team members also discovered Hua Guannan's mind, and some looked at each other.

They chose to follow Hua Guannan because they wanted to score more points under his thunder leadership.

But now in retrospect, although Qiao Zhen has become a little softer, and everyone has not scored too much, he has protected everyone's safety to the utmost extent, and everyone continues to stay and participate in the screening.

In contrast, it's clear who is right and who is wrong.

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