At the moment when everyone was stunned, the enemy's attack power became stronger, and Hua Guannan grabbed a person next to him and blocked him, becoming his own human shield.

Even the audience watching the video can’t stand it anymore: “Hua Guannan is really selfish! Although the screening is to examine the individual’s score, but the character is not good enough, even if the score is highest, it is impossible to pass the screening. ?"

"After so many years of screening, I have never seen such a shameless person. Before I felt that Qiao Zhen had picked him too much. If I were on the scene, I would have shot him specially. Collapsed!"

"To resist Hua Guannan, we can't let such a black sheep stay in the team!"

Qiao Zhen and Gao Chi no longer neglect, nor hide, and immediately come out to help the other team members: "Let's fight and retreat. The front row hides first, and then the back row retreats!"

As Joe really commanded loudly, the remaining team members did not hesitate to follow suit.

Even Cheng Deyuan hesitated a little, and ran to Qiao Zhen's side: "Qiao Zhen, from now on, I will follow your command."

"Cover other companions." Qiao Zhen commanded.

Cheng Deyuan immediately entered the state.

Except Wu Shuang, no one followed Hua Guannan anymore.

Everyone was so disappointed in him.

Especially the two players who were eliminated because of him, are even more resentful.

In the previous accident that didn't know the truth because the camera was broken, the fact that the enemy team member was deliberately hit in the head by Hua Guannan has also begun to be questioned by more and more people.

"Before I thought it was Qiao Zhen deliberately picking things up, saying that Hua Guannan had violated the rules and shot the players' heads under normal conditions. Now it seems that there is no such thing that Hua Guannan can't do!"

"Yes, we must severely punish this violation of the rules. I don't know what happened to that player's injury?"

"The Hua family is still the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense. With such a person as the deputy minister, who would dare to believe in the security of the country?"

The entire Hua family is also scratching their brains about the Hua Guannan incident. With such a thing, the credibility of the entire Hua family has been severely destroyed. Even the team following them doubts whether it will be like screening. Like the other players, they will be sold by the Hua Family.

Suddenly, the Hua family was caught up in the storm.

The player who was hit on the head by Hua Guannan saved his life, because after the rubber bullet entered the head, it would not spin like other bullets, producing huge impact and lethality.

But even if his life was saved, his intelligence and mobility were greatly affected. After waking up, let alone not being able to continue his military service, even his usual activities were restricted.

The Hua family was condemned by the whole people.

Yun Wei also shook her head: "How can this Hua Guannan do such a thing? He is so cruel at a young age, deliberately hurting the enemy team members, pulling his team members to be shields for herself, even if he passes the screening, It is impossible to qualify!"

"Now the teams under the Hua family are in turmoil. It seems that without us taking action, the Hua family will naturally be defeated. After all, the two players who were captured by Hua Guannan as shields are all from the Hua family. "Lu Zhanting said.

"Then shall we first observe the changes in the situation?" Yun Wei asked.

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