Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1929: Blushing heartbeat

The corners of Lu Jingchen's lips raised, she was not stupid yet, it was not easy to be deceived like this.

"The war in country c eighteen years ago suffered heavy losses. Although the economic development of the entire country has been fully recovered afterwards, the lives of the people have been guaranteed. However, the shortage of military personnel has always been serious. Because a capable and experienced senior general can never be cultivated overnight." Lu Jingchen said, "There is not much left in the military veterans. The military has a shortage of talents, which is very large. So now the military We value capable young people and are willing to focus on training. Qiao Zhen, your Qiao family has been a military family for generations, and your abilities have always been top-notch, so you are the focus of training."

Qiao Zhen had heard these words from his grandfather and father a long time ago, but every time she heard them again, the blood in her body would surge again, and she straightened her back: "I will train well."

"Qiao Zhen, after training and screening, the royal family and the military have placed high hopes on you." Lu Jingchen said, "You should practice hard. Maybe in two years, you will officially enter the military as a leader."

Qiao Zhen felt the responsibility on his shoulders heavier, and said, "I will work hard."

"Okay, do what you should do. In addition to cultural classes and some physical training, you will have special arrangements for the rest of the training courses in the future." Lu Jingchen said.

Qiao really nodded: "Okay, I will be ready."

Sure enough, after she participated in cultural classes and ordinary physical training classes in the afternoon, she was arrested by Lu Jingchen and trained alone.

When she came back, she saw that other students in the class were also diverted, and were divided into small classes according to their characteristics and abilities.

It seems that the training of everyone in the college is very tight and never slack, and high hopes are placed on every student.

At night Qiao Zhen was still training with Lu Jingchen.

Qiao Zhen is still far behind Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen rarely gave instructions, but slowed down her movements, letting her think about how to crack it.

Qiao Zhen followed his movements and thoughts, and gradually figured out how to deal with it.

Slowly, he started to be able to keep up with Lu Jingchen's pace, and even more so, he began to be able to suppress Lu Jingchen in one and a half moves.

During the training that night, she was able to keep up with his rhythm.

With a punch, Lu Jingchen was slightly distracted, and she grabbed his neck and couldn't help but smile.

But just after being happy for a second, he was stopped by Lu Jingchen's backhand.

He approached her and raised his eyebrows to look at her: "Don't think that you can show off after learning one and a half tricks!"

When he was talking, the hot nose sprayed on her face, and Qiao Zhen's face instantly became hot.

Fortunately, she was already very hot, and her face was flushed a long time ago, so she wouldn't look so obvious.

Leaning on Lu Jingchen's chest, although it was just a fighting action, he still felt a little lost several times.

Lu Jingchen let go of her: "What do you think? I'm too distracted! Practice yourself!"

He threw her aside and left here in strides.

In fact, he was scolding Qiao Zhen in his mouth, and he was also scolding himself, **** it, every time he got too close to Qiao Zhen, he would feel blushing and heartbeat.

This feeling is familiar and unfamiliar.

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