Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1930: If you like a man

This special feeling often drove his already very calm heart.

It's just that Lu Jingchen is better at covering up than Qiao Zhen, so he has never shown anything, and naturally, others will not find any flaws.

If someone finds out that he would like a man... Lu Jingchen can't imagine the consequences.

As the most eye-catching Royal Highness and the future successor of the royal family, all his personal affairs are being watched under everyone's eyes. Lu Jingchen will never like a man.

Even the major events of his marriage may not be able to completely decide on his own.

Not to mention the huge consequences if he actually feels different to Joe if it is spread out.

Qiao Zhen looked at his far away back and quickly rubbed his flushed face. It was really strange. She hadn't felt so strange after beating him so many times before.

What's more, she has been training with boys for so many years, and she hasn't felt so twitchy and weird?

Are you still uncomfortable now?

Joe really collected his mind and practiced for a while before going back.

It seems that Lu Jingchen hasn't come back yet, maybe he has gone to help some other students to train.

Joe was so tired and sweating that he went straight into the bathroom to take a shower.

While washing, the door was suddenly opened, and Lu Jingchen walked in.

"Ah!" Qiao Zhen screamed for a while, hurriedly wrapping herself in a bath towel. Didn't she lock the door?

Lu Jingchen just came in to wash his face. He did go to another class to train other students. He walked in sweaty, and naturally opened the door and washed his face.

When she looked up at Qiao Zhen, she glared angrily: "What are you doing? Even if I am your orderly, I have to talk about privacy? Besides, I have locked the door!"

"I forgot to tell you that the door lock is broken. I just want to inform you and fix it soon." Lu Jingchen said lightly, and glanced at her up and down.

She was immersed in the mist and couldn't see exactly what it was like.

Lu Jingchen turned his head and stepped out...sometimes when he didn't know what was going on, he really felt stunned for Qiao Zhen.

But once he thought that she was a man, he quickly dispelled the idea.

For a straight man, it is indeed a bit...disgusting to like another man.

Qiao Zhen hurriedly rinsed off and returned to his room.

The next day, Qiao Zhen finished regular training and returned to his residence to see a fashionable young woman standing at the door.

She wore slender high heels and looked almost the same as Qiao Zhen's height. She was very delicate in makeup. She was holding a fashionable designer bag. When she saw Qiao Zhen, she smiled: "You are Master Qiao, Lu Jingchen's orderly. ?"

Qiao Zhen rubbed the tip of his nose and thought of her: "Are you Wan Jiazhi?"

"Master Qiao has a good memory, and I still remember me. I came to see Lu Jingchen, but your rules are really strict here. He usually doesn't bring a mobile phone with him. That's why I came in by myself." Wan Jiazhi said with a smile.

Qiao Zhen smiled. Wan Jiazhi is the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. When Lu Jingchen returned to the royal family last time, she specially made an appointment with Lu Jingchen.

Of course Qiao Zhen knew that she had come to Lu Jingchen for something, and smiled and said, "General Lu has a lot of things, and he hasn't come back yet."

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