Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2058: Then my mood, can you understand

He had to say goodbye to Jojo reluctantly.

When everyone left, Lu Jingchen sat down, took out his pajamas and pajamas, and said, "Change it."

Jojo is wearing a T-shirt and jeans today.

When the doctor performed the operation, all the T-shirts were cut and thrown into the trash can.

But the pants didn't move, they were still on her.

She now has a small vest and a pair of jeans.

It is naturally impossible for injured people to rest in such clothes.

Qiao Qiao took it and wanted to change it by himself, but it was indeed very inconvenient when one arm could not be lifted at all, and Lu Jingchen didn't have any intention to avoid it.

"General, you go out first." Qiao Qiao said, he is here, no matter how good she is, she can't change it?

Lu Jingchen had no plans to go out. Seeing that her injured arm was tied around her neck and hung, she would have to change her body close-fitting clothes.

He went straight forward and grabbed the clothes.

"Hey, I can do it myself!" Jojo said immediately.

"If the wound is strained again, I won't be able to call the doctor back in time." Lu Jingchen said, "Close your eyes."

Qiao Qiao was a little bit ashamed: "You should close your eyes, right."

"If you are willing to keep it open, it doesn't matter." Lu Jingchen stretched out his hand and took off her vest.

Qiao Qiao hurriedly closed her eyes. Indeed, she could not be seen by him anyway. If she closes her eyes, although it is a deception, it is indeed much better.

Fortunately, Lu Jingchen didn't really want to do anything to her. He changed her clothes seriously.

She closed her eyes and blinked her eyelashes, Lu Jingchen's heart softened, and when she touched her delicate skin, her heart jumped.

When he was about to take off her pants, Jojo still couldn't bear it: "I'll change the pants myself."

"Don't talk." Lu Jingchen stopped her and helped her change.

Qiaoqiao closed his eyes tighter now.

His fingers touched her skin intentionally or unintentionally, and flames appeared on the skin that he touched.

Qiao Qiao felt a little dry in his mouth, and Lu Jingchen was uncomfortable. He had never helped someone in such a low voice, but helping Qiao Qiao made him willing.

Every time he meets her, his heart will jump wildly.

In the whole room, there is an ambiguous breath entangled and fermented in the whole room.

When the change was over, Jojo did not dare to open his eyes to look at him.

Lu Jingchen suddenly spoke with a bad tone: "Didn't you say that you were not allowed to go out? What's going on now?"

The atmosphere in the room also changed. With the cold air he brought, it became less tender and more indifferent.

"It's already happened. It's useless to say anything." Qiao Qiao opened his eyes, shyly retreated, looking at him and said, "I'm really glad that I passed, otherwise, the injured person today should be Cress."

"Why don't you look at yourself?" Lu Jingchen was even more annoyed when she saw that she was injured and thought of other people. "If no one comes in time, let alone the cress, you can't keep it!"

Qiaoqiao didn't regret his affairs at all: "You are not me, you don't understand my mood at all. Of course, I didn't expect you to understand."

Lu Jingchen made a fist and looked down at her: "Then, can you understand my mood?"

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