Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2059: Picking up general pain

The moment she saw her injury, the moment her arm was **** and bloody, his heart felt a general pain.

If it was really possible, how could he not let her leave the royal family for half a step?

Just now enduring distress and anger and helped her change her clothes, but now she couldn't help but burst into anger.

"Do you want me to remind you of your identity? Do you know who the people are today?" Lu Jingchen asked.

Qiao Qiao pursed his lips without answering: "I only know that if I were not there today, the innocent cress would be hurt."

"Those people are here for you! Those are your father's old men... But their generals died in the flames with your father. They came to you, they came to you for revenge. Because they I thought it was your father who killed their generals." Lu Jingchen said, "Do you know how dangerous it is for you to appear outside the royal court?"

"Yeah, everyone thinks that Qiao's family is at fault. Qiao's family is sorry for the country, the people, and these old subordinates... I'm sorry for everyone in the world! Then why I ask you to simply look into the Qiao family's case, you don’t Ken?" Qiao Qiao asked back, "If it turns out that Qiao's family has not done these things, is it possible for me to be in danger?"

Lu Jingchen pressed his thin lips tightly and said nothing.

Qiao Qiao couldn't help continuing to say: "Since Qiao's family is guilty, and I am also guilty, you shouldn't leave me in the royal family for protection, but you should send me to jail. What are you doing now?"

"Have you really never considered that Qiao's family is so sincere, that they have never done what the Qianfu refers to?" Qiao Qiao continued to ask.

Lu Jingchen's expression was cold, and from the look on his face, he couldn't guess what he was thinking at all.

Qiao Qiao laughed at himself and said, "I'm tired. I want to rest. Let's go first."

At this moment, someone brought soup in and said softly: "Your Royal Highness, Miss Qiao, the doctor prescribed the medicine for Ms. Qiao, and said it was taken after a meal. We prepared Miss Qiao's food."

"Let it go." Lu Jingchen said.

The visitor had delivered food and medicine before turning around and leaving.

Qiaoqiao injured her right arm, which is also her dominant arm.

Lu Jingchen looked serious, picked up the food, and said, "Eat first, then take medicine."

Qiao Qiao took it and found out that only one hand is very inconvenient. Although the servant has changed the chopsticks into a spoon very intimately, with one arm, there is still a lot of trouble to eat.

Lu Jingchen also found out, took the bowl from Qiao Qiao's hand, took the spoon, scooped the food, and brought it to her lips.

Qiao Qiao became uncomfortable for a while, not used to it, so he didn't open his mouth.

"Open it," Lu Jingchen said solemnly.

Qiao Qiao opened his mouth subconsciously, and Lu Jingchen carefully fed it into her mouth, not more than a spoonful of just one bite.

He blows every spoonful and touches it on his lips. It is not too hot before handing it to Jojo.

Qiao Qiao said lightly: "Unexpectedly, the majesty is also very used to doing this kind of serving people."

Lu Jingchen heard the sarcasm in her words and did not speak. Except for Wen Xuan and her, he naturally did not feed anyone else.

But at this moment, he didn't want to explain.

Qiaoqiao did not speak any more, eating quietly.

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