"I'm sick?" Qiaoqiao asked, only to realize his voice was hoarse.

"The doctor said you have a fever." Lu Jingchen said, "but the fever has gone down, and it may recur, but it will not be as severe as before."

"Yeah." Qiaoqiao didn't move, "Where is Wenxuan?"

"I didn't let him come over, except to worry, it had no other effect."

Qiao Qiao thought that this was the best, and Wen Xuan worried that she would feel sorry for herself.

She raised her eyes and just touched his eyes. The corners of his eyes were a little dull, and there were scum on his mouth. Obviously, he might not sleep all night.

So... Has he been here with her all the time?

But Qiao Qiao remembered that he was not like this before, even if he was fighting continuously, or when he needed to perform some tasks, even if he did not rest for two days and nights, he would never be so haggard.

What happened to him today?

She didn't know Lu Jingchen's worries, nor did she know that Lu Jingchen was suffering from Qiao Zhen and Qiao Qiao. Naturally, she didn't know what Lu Jingchen had experienced this night.

When the liquid was finished, Lu Jingchen ordered Qiao Qiao to remove it.

Qiaoqiao got up and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Lu Jingchen helped her sit up and accompanied her to the bathroom.

Although he didn't follow up, he just stood by the door. Jojo was under a lot of pressure. When a woman pretended to be a man, he thought of himself as a man, but everything was comfortable and convenient.

Now that she is a girl, she can't let go of anything in front of him.

"Will you go first?" she asked.

"No." What if she falls down, with a broken hand, why is it inconvenient?

Jojo had to acquiesce in him to stand outside.

When she returned to bed, she couldn't help but said, "Why do you want to be so good to me? Qiao's people, is it worth yours?"

"After all, you have no direct relationship with Qiao's affairs." Lu Jingchen tucked the quilt for her without changing his face.

"Then my brother, my brother has nothing to do with Qiao's affairs. But she still died."

Lu Jingchen's hand was stagnant: "You should rest first."

"Lu Jingchen, how can you agree to help me recheck Qiao's affairs?"


"No matter what you do?" Jojo bit his lip.

"None," Lu Jingchen said, "You take a good rest, don't think about anything else."

Qiaoqiao suddenly sat up, her arm hurting, and she didn't care: "No matter how I beg you, can't you agree?"

"Qiao Qiao!" Lu Jingchen grasped her arm, "rest first."

"Lu Jingchen, tell me, what should I do so that you will help me?" Qiao Qiao looked straight into his eyes, "You tell me, as long as I can do things, I can do them!"

"Rest!" Lu Jingchen pushed her back on the bed, "If you really don't want to disappoint everyone in Qiao's family, you should do nothing and protect yourself."

After speaking, he had nothing to say, turned and walked outside.

Jojo lay on the bed, frowned and bit her lip vigorously.

Then Qiao Qiao recuperated in the room. The doctors and nurses had been taking care of him personally. Lu Jingchen did not step in.

He is avoiding Qiao Qiao's problem, but also avoiding the emotional entanglement between Qiao Zhen and Qiao Qiao.

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