Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2063: Like two people at the same time

He fell in love with Jojo, but he really couldn't let him go, but it would be unfair to Jojo in this state.

So he never appeared next to Jojo again.

But the doctor reported to him all of Qiaoqiao's illness and condition in detail, as small as whether she had eaten fruit or not, and as large as her recovery from injury.

Wen Xuan used to be very frequent, except for the necessary class time, he was almost all tired of being there, with Qiaoqiao.

As for Lu Jingchen, who didn't look at his own affairs again, Qiao Qiao was very calm and didn't feel anything at all. It seemed that whether he came or not had nothing to do with her.

Qiao Qiao's reaction made Lu Jingchen very upset.

He even went to check if there was someone beside her.

However, her information shows that she has not had a male body by this name since she was a child.

Lu Jingchen still did not go to see Qiao Qiao.

The doctor came to report again: "General, Miss Qiao's arm is almost healed. Except for a little scar, there should be no other conditions."

The doctor was actually puzzled. Lu Jingchen lived not far from where Qiao Qiao lived. It would not take a few minutes to see it in person.

But he would rather ask the doctor carefully every time than to see Jojo in person.

The doctor glanced at the Lieutenant General next to him. The Lieutenant General also spread his hands. He has been with Lu Jingchen for so many years, and he has a tacit understanding of work matters, but he is indeed completely incomprehensible about his feelings.

The doctor explained the other details again. Seeing that Lu Jingchen had nothing to ask, he said, "The general, I will go out first."

Lu Jingchen nodded, and the doctor backed out.

But not long after he quit, the doctor came back again: "It's not good General, Young Master Wen Xuan is in a coma."

"What's the matter?" Lu Jingchen stood up immediately, and strode out while asking.

The doctor immediately said: "I don't know what the situation is now. The existing equipment in the royal family cannot be checked for him, so he must be sent out for examination."

"Immediately." Lu Jingchen ordered, and Wen Xuan had already been an important existence for him like his family.

He got into the car with the doctor, and Jojo followed.

Lu Jingchen glanced at her and did not object to her getting in the car, even if the place to go was outside the royal family.

Wen Xuan closed his eyes tightly, breathing smoothly, but there was no sign of waking up.

Even the doctor could not judge what kind of condition he was experiencing for the time being.

It is said that when I was playing just now, I fainted when I was playing, and even Jojo was shocked.

At this moment, Qiaoqiao was leaning against Wenxuan, his face full of anxiety.

At the hospital, Wen Xuan was sent to the examination room by the doctor for examination.

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao were both waiting outside.

Compared with Lu Jingchen, Qiao Qiao's mood is worse.

Although she tried her best to endure it, her eyes were red, and her tears seemed to fall at any time.

As Joe Real, she never cried for anything.

But now looking at Wen Xuan, even if she puts on a military uniform and becomes a general in command of the army, she feels that she can't stop her tears and sorrow. Some emotions come from nature.

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