Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2064: like water off a duck's back

She was sitting on the bench, her head lowered, her eyes closed, and she was enveloped by clouds.

Lu Jingchen walked slowly to her and whispered, "Wen Xuan will be fine."

Qiaoqiao felt her throat choking uncomfortably, and she tried not to cry or speak.

Lu Jingchen sat down against her, stretched out his arms, wrapped her shoulders, and patted lightly.

Jojo bit his lip.

The doctor walked out, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao immediately stood up, walked to him, and asked, "Doctor, how is Wen Xuan?"

"Wen Xuan's physical signs are very stable and there seems to be no problem, but I just didn't wake up, and I don't know what happened. I think we still need more experts to consult together." The doctor said apologetically .

Upon hearing this, Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao became even more worried.

If there is a cause, it’s okay. Seeking a doctor for active treatment is not so worrying.

Now that the situation is so unclear, it makes people fearful.

"General, Miss Joe, we will do our best," the doctor said.

Lu Jingchen and Qiao Qiao went in to see Wenxuan and saw that he was sleeping peacefully, but they didn't know the reason, so they just didn't wake up.

If he is asleep, he has slept too long, right?

Jojo is always worried.

Lu Jingchen has already made arrangements to let people find as many and better experts as possible to check on Wenxuan.

But two or three days passed, many experts from various fields came, and many consultations were done, but they were of no effect.

No doctor can tell why Wen Xuan is like this.

Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei also came to accompany Wenxuan.

Although Qiao Qiao was very worried about Wen Xuan, her position was pushed aside with so many people.

Wen Xuan showed no signs of getting better at all, but fortunately, he looked calm and looked quite healthy, and the doctor gave him nutrient solution to maintain his physical condition, which was not a major problem for the time being.

Seeing that Wen Xuan was okay, Qiao Qiao went out to meet Gao Chi and Cheng Deyuan to discuss something.

When Lu Jingchen found out that Qiao Qiao was not in the hospital, he heard the news that Qiao Qiao had gone to the Ministry of National Defense building to steal Wan's file about Qiao's family.

There are only two files in the Qiao family's case, one in the hands of Lu Jingchen and the other in the hands of the Wan Family. There is no other backup.

When Lu Jingchen heard the news, he immediately took some people to the Ministry of National Defense to find Qiao Qiao.

If the people of Wanjia didn't know that Qiaoqiao had gone, it would be okay. If they knew, arrest her and send her to jail this time, Wanjia would be justified.

Seeing Lu Jingchen's arrival, Wan Qingshu immediately thought of the possibility of arranging someone to secretly check whether someone had entered the Ministry of National Defense, and be sure to catch someone.

He dragged Lu Jingchen, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is a rare visit. I will sit with you for a while. It just so happens that the Ministry of National Defense has some work recently. I need to report to His Highness and ask for advice."

Lu Jingchen also arranged for his confidant to go to the Ministry of National Defense to find Qiao Qiao quietly. He was just about to hold Wan Qingshu, so the two of them sat down. Although they were both talking about work, they were completely out of mind. At work.

Both Wan Qingshu and Lu Jingchen went to the Ministry of National Defense to look for people at the same time.

Although they didn't know who got in, they all got the news to find Jojo.

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