Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2103: Make you better than death

But Jojo, who completed these, was also injured.

She broke the engine of the cargo ship with a single shot, and the entire cargo ship became a waste product, and it had no ability to go to sea.

Wan Qingshu and Wan Jiawen ran towards the boat.

Qiao Qiao greeted him immediately and shot Wanqingshu.

With a shot, Wan Qingshu avoided.

Wanting to shoot again, Jojo found out that he had run out of bullets.

Just dealt with the dozens of thousands of subordinates on the ship. She spent a lot of time and used all the bullets.

Wan Jiawen shouted at Wan Qingshu: "Dad, the boat is broken and you can't go out to sea. You use a lifeboat first! I'm blocking Joe Joe!"

Wan Qingshu immediately jumped into the lifeboat, and the lifeboat sprinted towards the sea.

Wan Jiawen stopped Qiaoqiao, his face was all gloomy, and said: "Bitch, want to catch me? No way!"

For Qiaoqiao, he hated him, and he couldn't wait to peel her off the skin little by little.

For a man who regards female **** as his life, being castrated by a woman, no one can imagine the pain.

Wan Jiawen took out his gun and shot at Qiaoqiao.

Qiao Qiao shook left and right, and finally avoided, Wan Jiawen's bullets were also shot out, he bared his teeth, showing the look of wanting to eat people, and stepped forward to fight with Qiao Qiao.

He was quite good, and he was defeated by Jojo last time because he was too self-confident and thought she wanted to refuse.

This time he went all out, with a huge hatred, which made Qiaoqiao somewhat powerless.

Qiaoqiao couldn't beat Wan Jiawen for a while, and Wan Qingshu fled again, very anxious.

Looking at the sea, Lu Jingchen had already followed Wan Qingshu, and she was a little relieved.

She immediately fought with Wan Jiawen again.

Wan Jiawen's eyes were both fierce and evil.

After being castrated by Qiao Qiao, he lost the ability of a man, and his psychology was extremely abnormal.

In the face of Qiao Qiao, she unexpectedly broke out a very powerful ability.

In addition, Qiao Qiao dealt with so many people just now, and now he is a little weak.

Wan Jiawen found the opportunity and finally punched Qiaoqiao to the ground.

Jojo spit out a mouthful of blood and propped himself on his arm, but he didn't have the strength to get up.

Wan Jiawen whizzed, picked up a piece of iron chain from the ground, and approached her with a smile.

His voice looked a little girlish, and it sounded extraordinarily weird: "Jojo, do you want to harm the entire Wan family for making me what I am now? Today, if you don't let you die, I won't be surnamed Wan!"

In his mind, he had already thought of 10,000 ways to torture Jojo.

He must also make her dilapidated and become just like him.

Wan Jiawen rushed over and wrapped an iron chain around Qiaoqiao's neck. He let out a dark laughter: "Bitch, go to hell!"

Jojo desperately grabbed the chain, not letting the chain break his neck.

Wan Jiawen worked harder and harder, Qiaoqiao tried his best to push him out.

Wan Jiawen stood on the side of the ship, pushed by Qiaoqiao, he fell back.

Qiao Qiao quickly removed the iron chain from his body and threw it at Wan Jiawen. Wan Jiawen yelled and fell into the boat.

The iron chain that Qiaoqiao threw out just caught his neck, and this end of the chain was connected to the hull.

Wan Jiawen was hung from the boat, and he struggled desperately.

However, connected to the other end of the chain is a huge hull.

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